Chapter Eighteen.

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Josh and Audrey step outside the dorm building and look up at the beautiful night sky. Audrey feeling Josh's hand wrap around hers, and caused a warm feeling to flood through her. She wondered if Josh constantly felt the warm sensation she is feeling now, with his powers. Maybe that's why it feels so good. That she could feel his power.

"God, its beautiful here" Josh sighs with a comfortable smile. "I can't believe we nearly let it all get destroyed. We nearly let it all go."Josh says as he looks down at Audrey, raising his free hand to corress her cheek, which she leans into to." I can't believe I almost let myself lose you" He sighs and Audrey smiles as she leans in for a soft kiss.

"I'm with you, Josh. Forever and always." She says softly as her free hand runs through his hair.

"Promise?" He grins. Something about the grin he gave her felt... Different. Powerful. She could of sworn she saw his eyes flicker for a second. From the usual fire orange, to a bright green. But she tells herself she imagined it as she nods.

"Of course" She smiles. She knew she would always be there for him. Not matter what. That was her promise now. To stand with Josh.

"Come on, let's get this party started!" Carlos voice rings across the courtyard as him and Jay run towards them.

"Hey, where are Mal and Evie?" Josh asked and Carlos rolls his eyes.

"Being all coupley with Ben and Doug. They'll be out in a sec." Carlos says as the two head down to mingle. Audrey laughs as she cuddles up to Josh.

"Maybe we should get all coupley." She suggests as she rests her face into his chest, Josh raising his hand and idly stroking her back.

"Oh I can't say no to you" He responds just before the music begins playing, the two turn around to see Evie and Doug already heading down opposite stairsJosh looks down at Audrey and sighs.

"We're singing and dancing again, aren't we" He asks and Audrey smiles widely and nods.

"Great. Another song I'll magically know the dance and lyrics too" Josh mutters under his breath as he walks over to the staircase and walks down to meet Doug. His Posistion.

How did he know that?

As he took his place, everyone looked up to see Mal and Ben stood at the top of the stairs, looking down on everyone, before sharing a look and running down. Mal took her place next to Audrey and Evie. And Ben was being carried around by everyone.

Oh yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Let's set it off
Oh yeah
You can make it happen

Ohay, Ohay Hey!

Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise
Write the book story of our lives,
This is us taking back the night.
Ohay, Ohay

Ben walks back as he extends his arm, people splitting as Mal begins walking down to him and he twirls her around.

Break the spell,
We were born this way
Be yourself, forget the DNA,
Everybody raise your hands and say
Ohay, Ohay

Mal and Ben do a little clap as the slide to into line with everyone else, Josh and Audrey walk from the bottom at either side towards each other. Josh starts singing first.

Spark the light, let the flame ignite
Gotta let us shine our star bright
Being who we were meant to be

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