Chapter Forty-One

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"We got news!" Josh yells as he walks into the docks. Which looked incredibly different to what it did a year ago. The once wooden walls and floor were now steel, and had people armed with crossbows stood on either side of the railings before the stairs. And the ship ship was now heavily fortified. Harry looked up from the top deck of the ship, with Anna and Gil stood on either side of him. Anna had changed her look drastically. She had died her hair a dark orange, and had it shortened to her shoulders. And her leather suit had been stitched up in various places now.

"We heard, boss. The VK's are coming to take some kiddies with them back to Auradon" Harry says and Josh nods.

"Do you know what this means?" Josh asked and everyone looks confused. "That means the barrier will be open. Just for a few seconds. But from Anna, we know that's all we need. So me, Anna and Audrey are going to Auradon. And we are going to bring down the barrier" Josh chimes with a smile.

"More turf for us, boss?" Harry smirks and Josh winks at him.

"You know it. Look we know that they're coming at midday. We are going to sneak through as they enter. Audrey is sure that she can use her powers to get across the sea. Then, we are in Auradon. And then, we take over. Our first port of call is Malificents staff. Its powerful. And I can guarantee that the Fairy Godmother will have her wand on her during this time. So we gotta get an advantage on her. Then we take everyone out. Knocking them out should be easy enough. Espically with the staff. And then we will find the Fairy Godmother and make her give us the wand." Josh explains the plan and everyone nods.

"What should we do, boss?" Harry asks and Josh turns to him.

"Keep my island in check. We got payments from Forgo's and Berteneli. Get them. I still run this place, and my rule ain't going down while I'm not here." Josh commands.

"But why not let us go with you. I mean, we could take them out alot quicker" Harry pushes and Josh growls and within a blink of an eye had thrown a throwing knife into Harry's shoulder.

"Because, I am in charge. That's why. So when I tell you to do something. You fucking do it." Josh says, Harry looked at him, his eyes had turned into a pure abyss of darkness. Which had been happening alot recently. And he has been becoming more tyrannical. He had to admit, he was starting to disapprove. And so was Gil. His hunger for blood as grown. But he knew full well he'd be dead without Josh. So he stuck with him. For loyalty alone.

"... Yes Boss." He says through gritted teeth and Josh smiles, his eyes returning back to the bright orange he has sported over the last year now. Well on and off.

"Right then, we best go get ready" Josh smirks and walks off, Audrey close behind him. But Anna lags behind to talk to Harry.

"Make sure he doesn't go on a murder spree." Harry says quietly and Anna nods.

"Don't worry. I'll keep him in check" She says as she goes to walk away but Harry grabs her wrist.

"For real, Ann. His head is getting real messed up. I can cope with the killing he does here. But not the innocents over there." Harry pushes and Anna nods.

"I know." She says as she rips her wrist away and goes after Josh and Audrey, and Harry let's out a sigh.

"What you thinking?" Gil asked a she walks over.

"Josh and Audrey are getting dangerous. We need to keep them in check on Auradon. Anna will keep an eye on them, but we need to get over." Harry tells Gil and he nods in agreement.


Josh, Audrey and Anna were hidden next to a bunch of crates near the barrier, watching it warp the air around it, making it ever so slightly visible.

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