Chapter Seven.

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Audrey, Wait!"Josh calls as he runs after her past the bleachers. She comes to a halt but doest turn around to face Josh.

"I... I. Is that all he saw? A power hungry bitch?" She asked as Joshy carefully walked around to face her. And he saw her face streaming with tears. Her hands shaking with a mix of anger and sadness.

"I... I don't know Audrey. But if he did, then he never deserved you. You are so caring. You never had to take an interest in my life. You could of written me off. But you didn't. It made  me like this place. Without you, I might of hated it here" Josh says as he reaches for her shoulder and gives it a  soft squeeze and she looks up, a faintest of smile on her lips.

"I... I knew you was more than a Villian, Josh." She says as she reaches for his hand and squeezes it. "I think you showed me the difference between being evil, and having to do whats necessary to survive. You did what you had too. You had no parents to save you. It makes me respect you so much." She says and Josh smiles warmly at Audrey.

"I got to ask. When I got here, what was with the... Act I guess? It seemed forced. You don't have to tell me if you don't want too" Josh says and Audrey shakes her head.

"You trust me, So I'll trust you. You know who my mom is. And also my grandmother. I know that people see them as these amazing perfectly good people. And I guess they are. But they push me to be the best, and to marry to become the Queen. It's kind of been imprinted into my brain since I was a baby. And I got into a act to get Ben. We have been a thing since we were a kids. And I do love him. I really do. But sometimes, it doesn't feel like that kind of love. He's... Just not on my mind like that." She says. And then looks at Josh. Something in her eye, like a twinkle in them as she looked at Josh.

"I guess I get that. I mean, there's things I've never felt before till I came here. Trust. Love. Loyalty. All those things would get you killed back on the Isle." Josh shrugs and he feels Audrey's fingers interlace with his.

"You have that all now, Josh. Always from me. I don't care if it will ever only be me. You are the first person I let see my true self. And not the act I put on. I hope you see how much that means to me that you accept me" Audrey says as she pulls Josh the slightest bit closer, their hands falling from her shoulder, her eyes flickering from Josh's eyes to his lips, stepping forward again.

"Audrey... Are you sure?" Josh asks quietly as her hand leaves his and runs up his arm.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life" She whispers before she closes the gap and her lips crash with Josh's, her arms flying around his shoulders. Josh's arms traced up her waist and pulled her even closer so their bodies were flushed together. Josh felt like sparks were flying around them, a warm sensation flooded his body. A warmth he wasn't use too. Was it love? But how could he tell. He had never felt love before.

"Josh, I can feel you burning up, are you okay?" Audrey asked as she pulled away, but their faces still close.

"I'm... Good. Really good." He says as his hands rest on the side of her face and she leans into it. "For the first time in my life, possibly." He says and the two share a chuckle.

"I want you to know that the kiss wasn't because of what happened with Ben." Audrey tell Josh.

"I know." Is all Josh said.


"Because... I trust you." He says and Audrey smiles widely at him.

"So... The Coranation. I now seem to be down a date" She smirks.

"And I don't have a date whatsoever." Josh replys with a wistful sigh as he looks at the woods behind them. Audrey rolls her eyes and elbows him.

"Would you go to the Coranation with me, Josh?" She asks. Josh breaks into a grin and turns to her.

"Oh... That will take some thinking about" He says as he exaggerates a thinking face.

"Do you need some convincing?" She asks as she wraps an arm around Josh's neck.

"I might do" He replies and Audrey closes the gap and lands a fiery kiss, nearly causing Josh to fall back from it as her other hand threads through his hair before pulling away.


"Of course I'll go to the Coranation with you." Josh says as he plants a sweet soft kiss on Audreys lips. Feeling more safe than he's ever done before. And with someone from Auradon no less.


Josh walks back into his dorm and everyone turns to him with their eyebrows raised at him.

"Where did you run off too?" Mal asked suspiciously, her eyes watching his face.

"Well no one seemed to care about Audrey, so I ran after her." Josh shrugged as he took of his jacket and chucked it onto his bed.

"But, why? We have what we need. Ben's in love with me. We can start planning now" Mal says.

"Well do you want her in line?" Josh asked and Mal eyes lit up in realisation. "I'm going to the Coranation with her. I'll make sure she doesn't interfere in your plan" Josh says and Mal eyes narrow on him.

"You mean ours, right?" She asked and he shakes his head.

"No, Mal. Yours. I don't want a part of this anymore. I will make sure Audrey doesn't dig too deep. But that's it. I don't want anything to do with this Mal. I like it here. I feel safe. I don't have to watch my back for someone coming to kill me" Josh says and Mal scoffs.

"I asked you earlier if you want to call of the plan, Josh! We have gone over the line now. We can't go back! And you know damn well if this goes sideways, your girlfriend will turn against you! They don't trust us!" She yells at him, her eyes begin glowing green as she steps forward. Josh chuckles and meets her gaze, her hands erupting into flames as his eyes darken.

"Do you really want to go there, Mal?" Josh asks as the two stare down.

"Don't do this Josh. You're one of us."Mal pleads.

"I can't Mal. I just can't" He says as he steps down, his flames extinguish quickly and heads for the door, picking his jacket up.

"You may not want us. But when it all goes to shit, We will be here for you Josh. Always" Mal says. And some part of Josh was surprised. That even saying he wants nothing to do with the plan to invade Auradon, they will still be there for him. Maybe he would come back. He did not know. All he knew right now is that he planned to enjoy his time while he could. And his first port of call was to go find Audrey and ask her on a date.

So, Josh has distanced himself from the VK's. Do you think Audrey was telling the truth and won't leave Josh if it all goes up, or will he have to go back to Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay? This was heavy on Josh and Audrey. Hope you don't mind. I do have four books planned out for this. The fourth being my original creation. Just thought I'd let you guys know! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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