Chapter Three.

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Josh, Jay and Carlos ended up sharing a room with each other. Which didn't bother the trio, there was plenty of room for them. But what did bother Josh was the burning sensation from earlier had returned. He thought it was the anger he felt from the judgement, but no. It felt... Different. Like something was trying to break out of him. His veins were burning up as he sat on his bed, facing away from the two guys to hide his pain. He looked at his hand which was now glowing a bright orange. Like lava trying to force itself from his skin.

"Hey, Josh. You okay?" Jay asked as he walked over and saw his hand, his eyebrow raising in worry as he indicated Carlos over. "That isn't normal, is it?" He asked.

"Well, Our hands aren't glowing so I'd say no" Carlos answers.

"Real helpful guys" Josh, retorts with pain as he falls off the bed and kneels.

"Hey so... What the hell?!" Mal, said as her and Evie walk in. Both rushed over to him, Mal looking frantically through her book to find a cure.

"Stop the rage, stop the burn. Extinguish the flame, make it tame" She said and a wave of mist erupts from her hand and entangles with Josh's, causing the pain to slowly fade away as the glow dims down till it was no longer visble. Josh let's out a sigh of relief as he leans back on the side of his bed, feeling Evie's arms wrap around his and hug it tightly.

"What the hell was that, Josh?" Mal asked and Josh, just shook his head.

"I have no idea. But guessing my parents weren't some lowlife thugs. Must of had powers or something." He says as he flexes his hand.

"Hope it would of hurt you if we didn't fix it, I was hoping to go looting" Jay says patting him in the shoulder, Josh looks up but see's by his face that he was joking.

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal says with a smile and Jay shrugs.

"You sound just like your mom" Evie points out.

"Thank you" Mal says, putting her hand on her chest.

"Not exactly a compliment, Mal" Josh mutters, receiving a glare from Mal

"You do it your way, and I'll do it mine" He responds.

"Die suckers die!" Carlos yells, then turns to Jay. "Jay come check this thing out, it's awesome" He says as he jumps off the platform and passes the batons to Jay who jumps on and is immediately absorbed into the game.

"Guys! Do I have to remind you why we are here?" She asked, exasperated.

"Fairy Godmother, Blah Blah Blah, Magic Wand, Blah Blah Blah" Jay, says causing Carlos and Evie to laugh.

"Come on guys. Don't be dicks" Josh, says, and Mal points at him for thanks.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" She said.

"Yeah" Everyone responds with a nod.

"Look, while you plan your next part. I'm gonna head out. Get a lay of the land." Josh lies to them. But they couldn't tell. You could never tell if someone lied from the Isle. They all just nodded and Josh headed out.


"Coming!" A voice calls from behind the door and it swings open to show Audrey. "Oh... Josh, right?" She asked and He nods.

"I got the impression I could talk to you. Was I wrong?" He asked and Audrey smiles and shakes her head with a small chuckle.

"No you're right, but maybe not during Curfue?" She said and Josh leaned against her doorframe.

"What, you never snuck out before?" He said with a grin and she laughed and looked away from him.

"I'm not like you" She said.

"What? Fun?" He pushed and she opened her mouth in shock lead quickly by a laugh.

"You... Damn you" She laughs as she closes her door slightly as she grabs her blue cardigan and walks out. "Best not get caught" She says as the two head off.


"So, why are you not with them?" Audrey asked, a slight distaste in her mouth when she asked.

"Honestly, I needed someone from Auradon to help me. Since I got here, there's been this sort of burning inside me. I thought it was anger from the others judging us. But it actually began to like seep through my hand. My hand was glowing orange, like lava" He explained and Audrey nods as they sit on a stone bench in the courtyard.

"Well, the Isle does stop magic being used. So maybe when you left, your magic has started coming through. And I bet its been inside you that long, there's a big build up of energy. So you have to expel it." Audrey says, causing Josh to raise his eyebrow in curiosity.

"And you just happen to know that?" He asked and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm more than just a pretty face you know?" She says. As she stands up and steps forward a few steps and turns. "Come on then!" She says and Josh looks at her with utter confusion. "I told you, we have to expel the excess energy. So let's get to it." She claps her hand. Josh walks over to her and looks at her. Audrey then takes his hands in hers and faces them upwards. "Now let all what's keeping it back go. Just relax. Let it flow out naturally" She said softly, almost a whisper as she steps back with a wide smile. Josh eyes glisten with happiness as he saw flames effortlessly twirl out of his fingertips, all different colours creating a rainbow of flames, not harming him nor Audrey. The two watch in awe as Josh feels his fingertips twitch slightly, causing the flames to collide and form a firework-like eruption of flames before the sizzle out.

"Woah." Josh laughs carelessly as Audrey joins him.

"That was beautiful" She admits as she walks over to him, placing her hands on top of his. "No matter what anyone says, the power is yours. Don't Fairy Godmother or anyone tell you otherwise." She tells him. Something in her eyes showed she meant what she said.

"I... I think its best I keep it on the downlow. A VK with powers. Wouldn't go down well really" Josh chuckles, but it was an empty chuckle, as he remembered why he was here. And the mission. Audrey nods and steps back. "I should head back. I'll see you later." She says with a small smile before jogging back to her room. As Josh prepares to head for his room, he see's the four running back to the dorms.

"What happened?" Josh asked them.

"Jay set off the Alarm. We are staying for longer than we planned. And we gotta go to school tommorow" Mal, rolls her eyes as they run up the stairs. Great. School in the morning.


Josh woke up to a snoring Carlos and Jay hanging half off his bed. He looked around and sighed as he raised his hand and felt the burning he felt inside him, and he tried to direct it to his hand. And to his surprise it worked. As he felt the sensation slowly flow down to his hand, and then separate towards each fingertip which created a stream of flames that when they collided in the middle, they formed a perfect ball of fire. Josh smirked as he turned his hand around, looking at all sides.

"This should be fun" He smirked.

So, Josh has powers! Probably guessed from the title of the book. I didn't want to spend more than a chapter on him gaining and controlling his powers, it's part of his genes so it wouldn't be the hardest for him to get to work. And I got abit of Audrey and Josh in this chapter! Yay!

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