Chapter Sixty Four

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"We have a choice" Mal starts, pacing from each side of the room, smacking her fist into her hand. "We can return to Ben with what we know, but more than likely we won't be able to go scout it out. But if we go now, scout it out, we could have alot more information." She offers and everyone nods slowly.

"I think we should go" Audrey states. "Ben wouldn't let us go, like Mal said, and if we find out how big his army is at very least, it gives us a better idea who we are fighting."

"And we could see if we could get their next target." Josh adds. "Maybe we could send aid to help them fight the Empire off."

"I think we might need to change outfits though. As Audrey is the epitomy of a target in bright pink. Mal you are wearing purple, not exactly the correct colour. Josh your hair is a dead give away." Hades points out. And Josh narrows his eyes on Hades hair.

"Your hair is literally on fire" He retorts, and Hades looks up and shrugs, sliding them ember into his pocket and his flame extinguishes.

"I got an idea" Audrey says as she closes her eyes. The scepter lighting up as energy begins to swirl around it.  And within moments four sets of leather outfits appear on a nearby table.

"I can't do much about the hair, so we will need to keep hoods up and masks on." She explains and everyone nods. Hades and Josh head upstairs to change, and Audrey and Mal stay downstairs. As the two strip down, Audrey's eyes drift to the scar located on Mals upper back. And a surge of guilt stings Audrey.

"Oh god. I forgot about that" Audrey sighs as Mal turns around to face Audrey with a soft smile.

"Water under the bridge. It wasn't you" Mal says, but Audrey shakes her head.

"No, it was me. All I wanted to do is hurt you. You stood in my way to Josh." Audrey says, her voice on the verge of breaking. Mal slips on the top and walks over to Audrey as tears threaten to spill from her eyes. "I did so many terrible things on the Isle" She sniffles. "How the fuck am I meant to live with what I did?"

"You learn from it" Mal answers. "You can't change what you did. Trust me, I've been in your position. After I decided to stick in Auradon, my past on the Isle hit me hard. What I did. The people I hurt. But I knew that I couldn't live life in fear of my past. So I owned it. And let it teach me. That I am better now." Mal smiles as her arm falls over Audrey's shoulders as Audrey leans into her arms.

"I killed so many..." Audrey says, her voice shaking as tears began to escape from her eyes.

"I know. You'll have to live with what you did. And what you might have to do. Otherwise you'll wish your life away" She whispers and kisses the top of Audrey's head as the tears stream out from Audrey.


"Have we had word from Mal yet?" Evie asked Ben as she sat at the front of his desk, Ben looked up and shook is head, a worried look etched on his face.

"Not yet. I know it's only been a day, but I'm already worried. Was it a bad idea to send them? Should I of been more focused on setting up defences?" He asks and Evie shakes her head.

"We need to know our enemy. On the Isle, if you didn't know someone. You found out. Find a weakness to exploit. Thats what we are doing now. Finding a weakness. And Mal is good for exploiting weaknesses." Evie points out.

"What about Hades. Do you think he's really changed?" He asks and Evie ponders it for a second.

"I think he cares for Mal. And he will do whatever to make her happy. So I think he's changed, even if it's solely for Mal" She answers. Ben nods and studies different papers scattered across his table.

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