Chapter One Hundred and Eight

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Beca had to admit, it was a massive change for her being in Auradon. Not having to look over her shoulder all the time. Not having to be feared by everyone just to stay alive.

She wasn't exactly sure if it was a change she liked yet, but she was given the freedom to find out. Which she found very odd. It had only been a few days for her since her little war on the Isle with Josh. Seeing the rage that filled his soul. But now, he was a different person. He was no longer the lost boy of the Isle, he was the Warrior of Auradon.

She would call that title egotistical, but he didn't name himself that. She had heard it enough from the people of Auradon in passing. The great stories of Josh filled the land. The man whose blood were fueled by the dragon fire. Of course, that wasn't the case anymore, but she wasn't going to correct anyone. And for bringing her back to life, Beca felt it was only fair that she let the people of Auradon think of him as a legend.

Beca found herself at the fountain again. She didn't understand why. Maybe it was the feeling of happiness it filled her with. Something she has rarely felt in her whole life. She just wished there were memories that came with the happiness. Maybe she had just forgotten?

"It's magical, isn't it?" Audrey calls. Beca spins around, instinctively going for her sword but Audrey simply flicks her fingers and Beca's hand stops, just hovering over her sword.

"That's new." Beca comments.

"The Witch of Auradon." Audrey states with a wink. Beca lips perk up slightly as her hand relaxes, and Audrey releases her magic. "I've noticed you've come here alot since you came back."

"Spying on me?" Beca cocks her eyebrow and Audrey shrugs.

"I mean, last time I saw you, you were going to kill me. Seems only right I keep tabs on you." Audrey answers.

"Fair point." Beca sighs. "But, you needn't worry. Josh bringing me back to life sorta squares us all up."

"I still don't get why he brought you back." Audrey muses. "I mean, the Isle was a very long time ago. Josh was a different person back there."

"I thought the same. Came to the conclusion he wants me to fight in this doomed war." Beca admits.

"Makes sense that he would." Audrey admitted.

"But his main reason was to give me a second chance in life, away from the Isle. Said fighting alongside you all is by choice." Beca tells Audrey.

"Yeah, that sounds more like Josh." Audrey chuckles warmly. Beca raises her eyebrow at her.


"Josh may think he's some damaged, evil soul. But in reality, he's one of the purest people I know. Granted, he's done alot of terrible things. But, he's always done it for the right reasons. He believes everyone should have a second chance, maybe because he wants one himself." Audrey responds.

"He got his second chance, in Auradon." Beca argues.

"No. Ever since he came to Auradon, he's been at the beck and call of destiny. To fight against his father. His second chance was never a real second chance." Audrey smiles, but Beca could see there was a sadness to it. As if Audrey knew something. And she could guess what it was. With all the talk of destiny, Audrey knew what would become of Josh.

"Josh doesn't survive this war, does he?" Beca asks softly. Maybe it was the most delicate she's ever been in her entire life. Audrey shakes her head.

"This path we are on, Beca, it leads to only one place for Josh. And I fear that no one can change that." Audrey reaches her hand into the fountain, letting the water hit her palm. Letting the cold water run down her hand.

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