Chapter Fifty One.

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"Dude, you got his scent?" Carlos asked as they came to a halt in the middle of a clearing.

"He's around here somewhere." Dude tells Carlos, and as if on que, A monsterous roar echoes through the forest and from behind a beast reveals itself. Everyone finches backwards as they look at it.

"Yo, thats Ben!" Jay calls as he indicates to the clothes. Ben let's put another Roar as he twitches slightly.

"He's in discomfort. Look at him." Gil comments as he tries to step closer, but Ben swipes his class towards Gil causing him to jump back. Carlos' eyes focus on his hand, well paw, and see's a splitter.

"He's got some wood stuck in his hand." Carlos announces as he slowly takes a step forward, his hands raised to show he means no harm. "Hey Ben, it's me Carlos. You know me. I am not gonna cause you any harm" He says with a soft voice, and Ben just watches Carlos, a soft growl rumbles in his throat. "You got a booboo? How about I help. Yeah? That's what's got you grumpy isn't it" Carlos says and Ben takes in Carlos for a second, before offering his paw and Carlos gently takes it in his hand. He hovers one hand over it ready to pull out. But he puts his two fingers up and bends them up and down. "Look at the butterfly" He says and as Ben's focus is on his fingers he pulls the spliter out. Ben growls as he reels back, grabbing his wrist.

"Did thst help?" Josh asks as Carlos backs away.

"Hope so!" He exclaims as Ben seemingly is angry with Carlos as he stalks towards him.

"Hey, Beasty!" A voice calls from behind him and Jane is stood there with a water sprayer and let's fire on Ben, the water dripping of his fur. Ben looks at Jane for a second before his fur dissipates into a white specs of energy and slowly the beast is absorbed back into Ben. Well minus a beard and fangs.

"Woah! That was wierd!" Ben yells as he shakes his head, watter firing off his hair. "Thanks Jane." He smiles but her face is flooded with fear. He turns around to see Josh. He instantly charges towards him, grabbing Jay's hidden blade in his jacket and pressing it against Josh's neck.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" He yells, his eyes bulging with rage. Josh knew he was being threatened, but of course, he was going to be a smartass.

"Just taking in the view. It's lovely put here" He smirks and everyone rolls their eyes at him. Ben presses the blade even more against Josh's neck, enough to draw blood. "Come on. Look at my eyes." Josh sighs and Ben does that, and notices that they were the bright fiery orange that they use to be.

"Is that you, Josh. I mean the real you?" He asks, slightly hopeful. Josh slowly reaches for Ben's hand and pushes the blade away.

"Its me Ben. Mal lifted the curse. I'm myself again" He says and Ben drops the blade as his eyes widen before grabbing Josh and yanking him into a tight hug.

"I missed you, man. I really missed you" Ben tells him. Not exactly the greeting Josh expected. But he would take it.

"I miss you too" Josh returns the hug.

"Carlos, is he telling the truth. Is it really him?" Jane asks as she slowly edges towards her boyfriend. Her wraps his arm around her and smiles at Josh.

"It's him, Jane. We got him back" He answers and Jane breaks out a wide smile.

"It's... Good to see you Josh" She yells him, and he nods.

"It's good to see you too, Jane... I'm sorry about what I did at the lake. It... Its hard to explain" Josh says and Jane unlinks herself and walks over to Josh, taking his hand in hers and squeezes gently.

"I know, Josh. Carlos told me about what had happened. And I mean, the black eyes kinda gave it away" She says and the two share a laugh.

"How did you change me back?" Ben questions and Jane runs over to Carlos and picks up the water sprayer.

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