Chapter Eighty Seven

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Josh felt a swirl of power surge through him after his vision went dark. Like a vortex sucking him in. Feeling his life draining down through the void.

Then his vision comes back. And he finds himself on a sort of cloud, surrounded by darkness. He spins around looking but found nothing. And no one.

Was the Forgotten Plane a lie? But as he begins to question it, the clouds he found himself on begin to change, small blades of grass force themselves from them and quickly, they were all that could be seen.

An explosion above him erupts as the black sky becomes blue, with the sun beaming down on him, and mountains emerge from the ground. And slowly, the place began to change into somewhere like home.

It was becoming Auradon. Before the invasion, when it was blissful and full of beauty.

"Josh!" Anna's voice calls from behind, and he turns to her, finding her eyes wide in shock as she scanned the area. "It's Auradon" she gasps with a slight smile forming on her lips.

"So this is what all the fuss was about?" Jenna says as he materializes next to Anna in a blast of energy, her skin sizzling slightly from it. "Okay, I see it." She admits and Josh chuckles slightly.

"Where am I?" A voice calls behind the three. They turn to find a dirty blonde haired woman, and the term dirty was accurate. Blood and mud were seeped into her hair, and her rags were not much different.

"Sarah?" Josh asks, and the woman steps back slightly, her eyes darken as electricity jumps between her fingertips. She was on the defensive. "Hey it's okay, you're safe here. No one can hurt you." He says with soft voice, raising his hands in surrender. You could see the cogs turning in her head as she scanned Josh. She knew she recognised him, but for some reason she couldn't place it.

"Who are you" she demands as her eyes narrow, the lighting grows stronger as he's whole arm is engulfed in electricity.

"You don't recognize me?" He questions.

"... I feel like I should know you. We've met before... I'm sure of it." She replies.

"It's Josh... I'm you're brother." He smiles. As he takes a step forward, but Sarah takes a step back as she raises her hands.

"Stay back! You're just... You're just a trick. My father loves to torture me!" She yells as she throws her hands forward, electricity blasting from her hands towards Josh, he dodges it with ease, but keeps his hands up.

"Sarah, this is no trick. Me, Anna and Jenna have brought you into the Forgotten Realm. Where we met once before." He reminds her.

"No. Auradon burned, so did Arcadia, and Regentara. You are all dead!" She yells.

"No, Anna fled to Auradon after Regentara was attacked. And we saved Jenna from the Dragon Empire. We have taken refuge on the Isle of the Lost." He tells her.

"No no no no.... NO!" She yells. "This is a lie... You couldn't of survived. Our... Our father is too powerful." She shudders, and Josh shares a look with Anna and Jenna. It was obvious she was captured by their father.

"How can I convince you that we are not some trick?" Anna speaks up, and Sarah's eyes flick to her as she turns her hands to Anna.

"You... You won't. I know this trick. You'll save me, then kill me! I won't let it happen. I won't torture myself" she screams as she sends a fury of electricity towards the three. Josh sighs as let's it hit them.

"We cannot be hurt in the Forgotten Realm. See" Josh says as he sends a ball of fire towards Sarah, which just goes straight through her. And she seems to ease slightly, and she lowers her hands, but electricity still sizzled between her fingers.

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