Chapter Forty

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Josh's eyes lock onto the woman's, who had a malicous smile on her face.  As the flames splutter in his open hand, he could vision the flames melting her skin.


He couldn't pay the cost of the win. So he lowered his hand and let the flames extinguish as he closes his hand.

"You win" Josh says simply and the woman howls with laughter.

"You are so weak. Guided by heart. It's pathetic. You think I'd care if any of mine died? They know they are expendable, and I make sure they know it. You put too much focus into returning loyalty. But it's all about having it." She says, smirking as she plants a kiss on his cheek before pulling back.

"Let them go" She nods. And Josh silently commends her for this. She didn't have to do that. Another way Josh see's she has a code she follows.

"The two pirates go. But you and the girl stay. You are of interest to me." She demands and Harry snarls and goes to pull his sword out, but Josh extends a hand to stop him.

"It's okay Harry. I know what I'm doing." He tells him, and Harry looks at him confused.

"You have five seconds to leave before I kill you both" The woman snarls and Harry sighs and heads out with Gil. She turns back to Josh and scans him.

"What's funny is I've got you, and you don't even know my name." She chuckles and shakes her head, brushing her hair to the side. "Beca." She mockingly bows.

"I don't care." Josh says through gritted teeth.

"Yes you do. I know that now your mind is turning and trying to figure out if that name means something. If I'm someone's daughter and you use that against me. But I hate to tell you, I ain't no one special. Abandoned on the Isle. So I got no attachments for you to exploit, Joshy." She laughs.

"Oh just tell me what you want" Josh rolls his eyes, and this seemingly angers Beca. And she steps forward and presses her blade to his neck.

"I really hate not having your full attention." She growls. "What's a girl gotta do to get a guys attention huh?" She throws her arms in the air as she walks around Josh and Anna.

"I mean, being a princess seems to help" Anna points out.

"Really?" Josh sighs and Anna shrugs her shoulders.

"I ain't wrong" Anna replies.

"Enough!" Beca yells, her veins tight against her skin. "I have had enough of this. I'm gonna cut you a deal. One you are going to take, otherwise I will paint the floor with your fucking blood!" She exclaims, grabbing Josh's hand and forcing her dagger through. Josh lets out a pain-filled scream as she quickly pulls the blade out." And I'm not playing now" She adds as she wipes the blood against one of her mens jackets. "You are going to surrender your territory to me, and your crew, and you are going to work for me. And I'll take your little princess as compensation for you cooperation." She demands, and Josh glares at Beca.

"You touch Audrey, and I will pull your guts out with my bear hands" He threatens, his eyes darken to the point where his eyes were void of colour. Just an abyss of darkness.

"Too late" She says as the doors swing open, and two men have Audrey in their grips. She tries to fight against it, but to no avail.

"Now you are going to make your choice. Work for me, or die a slow gruesome death. Well after watching the Princess die first" Beca chuckles and Josh looks at Audrey. Her eyes were full of anger. But hidden beneath all that, she was scared. Frightened of it all.

"Free Audrey and Anna, then you can have me" Josh offers.

"I don't think you get the situation. I own all the cards. You are in no position to make demands." Beca says, seemingly confused. Josh eyes flick between the two girls, his eyes flare up a dark orange for a split second as he made eye contact. And the two eyes flared back. And he smirks.

"Actually, I have a better proposal. Pledge yourself to my crew. And we will not kill you" Josh offers and Beca laughs, thinking it was a joke. But quickly see's Josh is serious.

"Oh wow, you're serious. Well... No. Kill the princess!" She yells and Audreys eyes erupt with green energy blasting out, raising her hands as the same energy folds around her arms, flicking down to her hands as it builds up. Anna forces her foot backwards, right into the knee of one of Beca's men, hearing it crack before she pushes a surge of electricity through her hand before turning and grabbing his head, frying brain within a second. Josh ducks and spins, swiping the two men who were guarding him from behind and flicks his hand, thr bodies becoming engulfed in flames as he turns back to Beca.

"I'll make my offer again. You pledge yourself to my crew. You will not go around killing anyone for money. Alot of your kills are innocents." Josh says as he walks towards Beca, who just looks up at him.

"You haven't won." She simply says as she pulls her blade up and across her neck, blood spills out o her throat almost instantly. The blade falls to the floor as her body shortly follows. Josh's eyes widen in horror as he catches her falling body.

"No! Why would you do that! I was going to let you live!" Josh yells as he craddled her body.

"I... I won't.... Live being second.... Be.... Be.... Best." She wheezes out, you could hear from her voice that her lungs were filling up with blood.

"But surely it is better to live than die" Josh tells her.

"Not.... Not here.... The Isle... Is... A... Disease." She stutters out before the life drains from her eye. Leaving Josh cradling the body of the woman who had just tried to kill him. Wasn't exactly how he wanted to end up. But he didn't expect to feel the hurt of losing her. He hadn't even known of her a few days ago. But... She was right. The Isle was a disease. It had been left unchecked for so long. He had been going with this far too easy. He had to knuckle down. He had to take the Isle, and he wasn't going to do it without mercy.

And that is what he did.

A year later...

Josh and Audrey kicked the door of the cotton factory down, both dressed in black leather suits. Josh had already pulled out his dagger and threw it into the throat of a nearby man, and Audrey had already enveloped the other man with green mist, hovering him in the air before pulling his limbs apart and discarding them across the floor.

"Mister Frontun. You're behind on your payments."Josh says as he walks into the back room, his eyes engulfed by an abyss of darkness, matched by the pure black flames that were hovering in his hand." So I hope for your sake, you have it. Or this place is going to smell of a burning corpse very soon." He snarls

"I'm... I'm sorry. I haven't had customers this month" He pleaded and Josh shakes his head and sighs.

"No... I'm sorry." He says as he twirls to face him and presses his hand against his face and feels heat bash against his hand, and the muffled screams try to escape Josh's hand but to no avail. And very quickly, the screaming stopped as Josh let go. The man's face now unrecognisable, burnt and charred.

"You promised I could kill the next one" Audrey smirks and Josh winks.

"Next one, babe" He tells her and she walks over and pulls him into a heated kiss, her hand gripping his hair tight as she does.

"And it is the day today!" The radio calls from the corner of the room, causing the two to jump. "You've all been waiting for it! You all know the story of the four VK's who went to Auradon. And now, they're coming back to take some lucky people with them!" Audrey and Josh share a look and a smirk.

"Babe. I think it's time we went back home" Josh says and Audrey cackles and nods.

"I do miss my castle" She jokes and the two head off to plan for their return. Leaving the body in the middle of the floor, still smoking.

So, time jump. And as you can tell, Malificents influence has fully taken over Audrey and Josh now. What did you think to Beca? I enjoyed writing her, albeit it was a short part but she did what she had too. I wish I had more for her to do, I was liking the way I wrote her. But anyway, we are finally getting to D3! Yay! So the basic story will somewhat be the same, but alot will be different. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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