Chapter Twenty One.

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"Your Majesty, you need to come with me" Someone says to Ben, who was with Mal in his office having a nice meal. The two look at the man who stood at the door. Ben knew who it was. Jerome. He was part of his advisors, mainly international affairs.

"What is it?" He asks and he looks at Mal with an eyebrow raised. She rolls her eyes as she wipes her mouth with a napkin and brushes her now blonde hair back.

"I'll leave you too it." Mal, says but Ben grabs her hand.

"No. Anything you want to say to me, you can say with Mal here." He says as he sends a quick smile to Mal, who returns it.

"Regentara's gone dead. We were meant to get a shipment yesterday. We tried to contact them, but we got no response." He tells Ben whose eyes widen as he stands up and goes to follow Jerome, pulling Mal with him.


The three enter the Advisory Meeting room, where all the advisors would meet to discuss Auradon. Everyone's eyes turn to see Ben and Mal walk in.

"What's the situation. Do we have any idea what has happened?" Ben asks the room, and everyone shares uneasy glances.

"We have no information yet sir. But we have a drone heading there now, we will have visual in seconds" The man dressed in a Military outfit. The Military Advisor. Even if not much war occurs, Auradon needed to be ready. Ben nods as he walks around to the laptop where everyone was stood around, as they saw the drone fly over the sea. But as they begin to see Land, they are met with devastation. The whole land was charred black. And fires still raged across some parts of the land. Everyone felt the tension in the room as they saw the carnage that had occurred.

"Get... Get the Drone closer to the ground. And get it to Valhala. Let's see if the Capital still stands." Ben commands, but his voice was shaking. And so was his hand. He couldn't believe the carnage that was being shown. And as the Drone got closernto the ground, the scene was even more horrific. Now you could see the bodies scattered across the barren wasteland. Blood covered so much of it.

"Oh, dear God." One of the advisors mutters as her hand covers her mouth, turning away.

"What happened?" Ben asks.

"It looks like an invasion. But all of the dead are Regents.... Wait, go back" He says, since the Drone was controlled via voice commands. And the drone flies over someone who was dressed differently than the others. They all wore white armour. But this man, had a leather-like armour. But if was obviously padded. And his face was covered with a cloth, with only his eyes showing.

"That's impossible! " The Millitary Advisor exclaimed as he focused on the insignia on the chest. It was a dragons head, with fire in its eyes.

"What is it?" Ben asks. The Advisor backs up as he rubs his grey hair.

"That's... That's the insignia of the Dragon Empire. From thousands of years ago... But, they were wiped out. They can't be around anymore" He says, his voice was drowned in fear.

"What is the Dragon Empire?" Mal finally says. Ever since talking to the Fairy Godmother, she had wanted to know more. She assumed this was the empire the Dragon King ruled.

"It was an empire from centuries ago. Ruled by a man known only as The Dragon King. This use to be his land. Some of the landmarks are still around. But it was said there was a plague that had wiped the entire Empire off the land." the Advisor explained and Mal nods.

"But there was never any proof of that?" Ben asks and he shakes his head. "So that could of all been a ruse to keep hidden. They must of moved their empire somewhere else. But... Why attack now? If their existence was known to no one, why reveal yourself?" Ben asks hypothetically.

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