Chapter Ninety Five.

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Everyone was shocked. No one moved as the blinding light faded completely. Josh looks around as his eyes burned bright. His hands engulfed in flames that crawled up his arms.

"Anyone going to take a shot?" Josh asks smugly. And all of the Dragon's soldiers charge towards him. His lips perk up slightly as his eyes flare, and he whips his arm around. A flame whip erupts from it as he twirls gracefully, the whip following his every move as he takes out hundreds of men within a second. Josh then pushes his hands together, a small ball of flames sparks to life and becomes bigger in moments, and as he pulls his hands open, the ball erupts as fire is flung all around, somehow hitting only the Dragon Soldiers.

"That all you got?" Josh says as he flexes his hands, then looks up at the top of the staircase to see George. His eyes burned with rage, his fist tensed against his side. "Hey George. Fancy a rematch?" Josh smirks and George leaps down the staircase. As he lands on the floor, the ground erupts and splits, fire spitting out of the cracks.

"You shouldn't of come Josh." George tells him as he circles around Josh. Josh didn't move, he just kept track of George's movements.

"Well, big party. Couldn't resist." Josh sniffs as he flexes his fingers, each had a small flame flickering. "Oh, and he's pissed." He nods to Hades. His blue flames cutting through the hordes of Dragon Soldiers. Josh's eyes flick over to Jenna and Anna, who were watching a few meters away. Their eyes sparkled with power, as they watched George closely.

"I got this, go help the others." Josh tells them. The two share a look before nodding and running up the staircase.

"Let's finish what we started." George growls as he charges towards Josh from behind. Josh spinned to the side as George rolled across the floor, holding his sword out to the right as a black flame crawls up it. He quickly charges again towards Josh, pulling his sword to his brother. Josh brings up his own sword and deflects the attack, sending a quick blast of fire towards George. He stumbles back ever so slightly, before sending a crashing wave of fire towards Josh. Josh absorbs the flames into his body. Feeling the fire spiral within his chest. He then let's it out, a untempered fire explodes from his chest, sending it back towards George. He then charges, throwing his sword towards George. It is able to kick him in the shoulder, and Josh leaps and forces his foot into George's face with such power, it sends him into the stairs.

"Something's changed about you." George observes, wiping the blood from his lip, with his other hand gripping his sword tighter. "Your still not powerful enough." He taunts as he charges towards Josh. Josh stands ready for George, but he throws his sword to his opposite hand at the last second and forces it into Josh's arm. Josh grunts with pain as George's malicious smile forms. "And you still fight clean." He says. Josh's eyes are enveloped with rage, becoming a lot darker as he grabs the sword and let's the heat from his hand through. Within moments the blade had become a thick molten liquid as it drips to the floor. Josh then forces his hand forward, a massive surge of fire erupts from his hand sending George flying across the courtyard. He is able to land on his feet as he cracks his neck.

"Surrender, George." Josh demands, his armed slagged down slightly as the blood begins to seep through his leather top, darkening the brown into a black.

"Not a chance, Josh. You are hilariously outmatched here. Soon enough, our men will outnumber all of you and your friends, and we will slaughter everyone like animals. Don't you see? You are destined to die." He chuckles and Josh's eyes become darker. He could feel himself giving into the void of anger, that was calling for him. Begging for him to fall into it, to let the flame take over.

"Let it take over Josh" Beca's voice calls in his head. And Josh does as Beca says. Feeling his mind become clouded. Everything he could see became darker. And all he could feel is the immense rage, hitting him like a waterfall. His hair literally sets of fire, much like Hades, with a black flame. His arms cracked as the skin becames a charred black.

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