Chapter Sixty Seven

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Ben could of sworn he felt the air turn colder as he stepped onto the Isle. He had never noticed it before, but there was an eerie breeze to the Isle. It could be an after effect of the barrier. But he couldn't be too sure. As he looks around, he finds people staring at him. None of the looks he was getting were good.

"People still don't like me here" Ben comments.

"You may of brought down the barrier, but you still kept people imprisoned here. That stuff doesn't blow away over night." Uma points out and Ben nods once.

"It was my parents idea to keep people here. I never agreed with it" Ben says and Uma shrugs.

"Right I'll go run my little errand, then I'll meet ya back here" Harry mock salutes before strolling off. Evie's eyes narrow at Harry before turning to Uma.

"What's he doing" she asks.

"Doesn't concern you. Not yet anyway. I want to make sure of something before I let anyone else in on it." She says rather ominously. "If he finds it, it could be a massive help." She adds before she heads off. Evie, Anna and Ben share a confused look before chasing after her.

"It feels wierd being back here. Especially without Josh" Anna admits. "We had this place wrapped around our finger." She adds.

"Josh is a born leader. Even more than me and Mal. We could of never took over the whole Isle." Umma comments.

"What was Josh like here?" Ben asks as the two turn down an alleyway. Approaching Mals old territory.

"He was cruel, no doubt about it. But never to the kids. I don't know, I think even the curse had its limits. And hurting kids was something it could make Josh do." Anna explains.

"That's something atleast." Ben nods.

"We made a lot of money on the Isle" Anna adds.

"Explains the Docks. You made that place into a fortress" Uma says and Anna shrugs.

"We had to be safe. We made a lot of enemies here. Josh put the safety of the crew first, especially after the Cartel attacked." Anna says.

"Harry mentioned that. How did you even win? I mean, even I didn't mess with them. They were dangerous." Uma questions.

"Audrey said that if they were always hidden from their enemies, they always had to be close. Closer they are, lower the chance of being seen. So we sent scouts. And they found them. Me, Harry, Gil and Josh went. It was obviously a trap. And Josh seemed ready to surrender. He wasn't ready to let everyone die. But they captured Audrey. And it was then something snapped inside Josh. It was like he fully gave into the darkness." Anna remembers, a slight shudder followed the memory.

"I should of never let him fall like that" Ben sighs as he stop in his tracks, running his hand through his hair. "I should of made him come back with us. Got him help. Audrey aswell."

"You had a whole kingdom to worry about, Ben. Josh knows that." Anna smiles slightly. "He knew that he was a threat to the safety of Auradon. I don't think he blames you for leaving him. More thanks you. So he didn't hurt any of the people he loves."

"I don't even know if what I'm doing is right anymore" Ben states as he carried on. The statement was quite ambiguous. No one seemingly knew what it meant. So they didn't ask.

"Hold up" Uma states and everyone pauses. Her eyes focus on the floor as she kneels down and plucks her finger across a thin piece of string.

"Tripwire." Evie observes.

"We are close. He probably booby trapped the whole area. Be careful where you stand. We don't know what they'll do" Uma sniffs as she steps over it.

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