Chapter Thirty.

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"Harry, have we found Uma yet?" Josh yelled as he saw him enter the Dock, and he had someone with him, their collar linked by his hook.

"Tell him what you saw, you lil' shit" Harry pushes him off his hook, the guy nearly falling over. Josh recognised him. He was part of a smaller gang called The Eternals. Abit egotistical.

"Your little captain jumped through the barrier as them Auradonians went through. And she had some sort of book. But with the big fishes gone, someone will have to take their place. And Grant will be taking the Isle for us." He says with a smirk and Josh laughs as he steps forward.

"Oh, that's rich. I could kill you all myself. The Isle is mine, and my crews." He says nodding at Harry, who was surprised. He didn't expect Josh to see him as part of his crew. So he had just gained a small bit of respect for him.

"Oh, really? You are too weak to hold a crew together." The guy comments and Josh laughs.

"Harry, hold him. And pass me your sword." He says and Harry chucks his sword and grabs him.

"Anyone know what melting flesh smells like?" Josh smirks as a flame burst out of his hand, crawling up the sword causing it to become a bright orange.

"Oh, I've never seen that before laddie"Harry smirks as he feels the guy struggle in his grip, but to no avail.

"I haven't, but I'm open to new experiences" Audrey says and Josh smirks as he walks towards the guy.

"No, you wouldn't." He says desperately.

"Maybe not once upon a time. But you are a threat to the people on the Isle. I know you have kidnapped the kids to work as slaves. So I'm going to give you the punishment you deserve. A painful death." Josh states as he walks forward, his eyes a mixture of orange and green, almost swirling around his pupils.

"You can't do this! Grant will wage war on you!" He tries again and Josh let's out a malicious laugh.

"Let him try" Josh says as he forces the blade slowly into his chest, the flesh sizzling to the touch as he howls in pain.

"Please! Stop!" He cries, but Josh just enjoyed his pleas for help.

"Who runs the Isle?" Josh asks him, reveling in the fear in his eyes. Like he was feeding off it.

"You do!" He yells through the pain and Josh nods once before forcing the blade all the way through, the fear leaves his eyes, but so does any sign of life he had in them as his body flops in Harrys arms. Josh slides the sword out and uses his hand to wipe it down, the blade not even burning him before chucking it back to Harry.

"That was quite a demonstration. I think I got you all wrong" Harry admits.

"Stick with me, Harry. We'll own the Isle in days." Josh winks as he turns and Audrey wraps her arms around his neck before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"That was hot" She smirks as she pulls away from the kiss.

"Pun intended?" Josh laughs and she nods.

"What should we do with the body?" Harry asks as Gil comes over, his eyes wide at the scene in front of him.

"Send it to Grant. With a message. He either let's the kids go, or we are going to kill them all" Josh tells him and Harry nods, indicating Gil to help him.

"He's powerful" Gil points out as they carry the body from the docks.

"Yeah, he is. And he's tough. But he has a heart. I think we are under the right lad." Harry says and Gil nods.


"Mal, wait up!" Jay shouts as him, Evie and Carlos catch up. Mal turns to face the trio, her face tight with both anger and sadness.

"What's up?" Carlos asks and she begins to shake.

"I know why Josh is how he is." She says, and everyone looks at her to continue. "When he gave me Ben, his eyes. They turned green. Like mine, and my mom's." She explains. "The Evil that comes with that power, its hard to tame. Espically without being part of the family. Its corrupted him, and I think he passed it onto Audrey. That wasn't him. It's a warped version of him." She adds.

"So... Our Josh is still in there, somewhere?" Evie asked hopefully. And Mal nods.

"Is there anyway to reverse it?" Carlos asks and Mal sighs and shrugs her shoulders.

"I... Don't know. It must of come from my mom during the battle at the coranation." She says.

"Okay, we need to find a way to reverse it." Jay claps his hand.

"It won't be easy. But we won't give up. We are not leaving him there." Mal tells the three, and they all nod.


"Yo, Grant!" Gil yells as they enter the abandoned factory. They knew this is where they were based. And a group of guys come out of the shadows.

"Hello... Pirates. What do you want. This isn't your turf." the one dressed in a black jacket, spikes covered the shoulders.

"Ah, Grant laddie. We have a message from our new capt'n. He says you release the kids you have kidnapped for your little slave trade. Or we will come and kill you. And trust me, he could do it single handed." Harry tells him and his face tightens with rage.

"And who now runs your sorry excuse of a gang?" Grant asks.

"Josh. The Flame guy. You have your choices." Harry sniffs and him and Gil chuck the body and go to head out.

"It's funny you think your leaving" Grant chuckles and the two stop dead in their tracks as two men stand in front of their exit.

"You don't let us leave, you'll be dead within hours. I wouldn't." Harry warns Grant who let's out a howling laugh.

"I would squish him" He yells as he throws his arms in the air. What a drama queen.

"Whatever" Harry rolls his eyes, then nods at Gil and the two quickly advance on the two men covering their exit. The two grab their arms and twist them violently, hearing them crack as they spin around, pulling their arms around the mens back before forcing their feet into behind the knees, hearing another crack. The guards fall to the floor in pain and Gil and Harry make a break for it. Grant growls as he watches them.

"Sir, what do you want us to do?" One of Grants men asks.

"We secure this place. Make it a fortress." He commands.

"Why not just release the kids?" Another man asks and Grant sighs as he walks over to him, placing one hand on his shoulder.

"Because I own them now" He tells them before forcing his serrated blade into man's stomach, pulling it out and wiping it on his jacket.

"Anyone else got any problems?" Grant yells, and gets no reply. And his men then get to work. A war was coming to the Isle.

So, technically the end of Descendants 2. It went quite off track for Josh's story, but I had this idea and it fits well where I wanted Josh and Audrey to be for Descendants 3. For the next few chapters, it will revolve around Josh and the Isle, possibly one of Mal and the others. But I hope yo u enjoyed the chapter!

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