Avengers - Forgotten

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(Loki is the villain in this)

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/N this morning?" Steve asked as he headed into the kitchen where most of the team was.

"No, maybe she's just sleeping in." Tony replied, Steve wasn't convinced. He knew he should go check on you.

"I'll just go see if she's okay." He said before heading up the stairs to where your room was.
He knocked on the door softly but didn't hear anything. He opened the door and saw you laying on the bed with your eyes wide open and whispering something. Steve rushed over to you and shook you but it made no difference.

"Y/N! Y/N, it's okay." He said shaking you again but nothing happened, he couldn't understand what you were saying. He looked into your eyes and noticed they were completely black.

"That's not good. Friday, call Tony, Stephen and Bruce to the infirmary." He said gently picking you up and carrying you out of the bedroom.
He rushed up to the infirmary and laid you on the bed as you shook and continued to whisper.

"It's okay doll, you're safe. We're going to get to the bottom of this." Steve said gently running a hand over your face.
Steve sat beside you and held onto your hand and waited for the others to come up.
Finally they arrived to see you laying on the bed.

"Steve? What's going on?" Bruce asked as Steve looked up at them.

"I don't know, I came into her room and just saw her laying there whispering, and her eyes are completely black. I think it's magic related." Steve explained as Stephen looked at you and your eyes.
He began doing a spell as unknown symbols appeared around you, he looked down and his eyes widened.

"What is it wizard?" Tony asked as Stephen looked at him.

"It's Loki." He said as the men's faces paled.

"He's put her into some kind of trance, she's reliving all of her trauma." Stephen explained as Steve looked at you with worry.

"There has to be some way to stop it." Steve muttered as he watched you, he could just sense how much pain you were in and he hated it.

"It's a powerful spell, I don't know what his motive is. Why would he attack Y/N? He barely knows her, she wasn't even here when he attacked New York." Stephen said looking over the symbols on your body.

"Can you undo it?" Tony asked Stephen, he knew how powerful this spell was.

"I'm not sure, this might have to be something Y/N needs to fight alone." Stephen said retracting his magic. Suddenly Loki appeared as they all glared at him.

"I thought this was what you wanted." He said as Steve stood up and glared daggers into him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tony growled as Loki smirked and looked down at you.

"Wasn't it you Steve that said she needed to learn a few lessons to become a hero? And Tony that said she should be more quiet?" Loki said as their eyes widened.

"T-That's not what we meant, we were just angry and thought Y/N was too naive. We were wrong, get her out of this now!" Steve shouted making Loki chuckle.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but the spell can't be reversed. If Y/N is strong enough she'll break free." He said as still Steve glared at him.

"And what if she's not strong enough?" Steve growled as Loki smiled.

"Then she'll stay like that forever." He said as Tony looked down at you.

"Why put her through this?" He muttered watching you struggle.

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