Avengers - Replica

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"What if they found out? They would hate me." You whispered to yourself, with your legs curled up to your chest.

You couldn't help but to start to tear up, today was just a hard day that's all.

You heard a knock on the door and quickly wiped away your tears.

"Come in!" You called out as the door opened to reveal Clint.

"Hey, kid. You okay?" He asked as you nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, just resting a little." You replied making him nod, he didn't believe you.

"Do you want to come have some dinner?" He asked as you nodded and got off your bed.

You followed him out of your room and down to the main room where the team were.

"You sure everything is okay?" He asked turning to you as you nodded.

"Yeah, it's just one of those days." You replied making him nod.

You went and sat at the table where everyone else was. You felt as though you couldn't even think today, your thoughts so plagued with guilt.

What you couldn't tell the team, what you really wanted them to know was that you were a clone of the original Y/N. The one they'd known and fought beside.

You were just a Hydra replacement.

You didn't get any missions from Hydra, the only thing you'd needed to do was become Y/N and convince them you were her.

Once you'd done that you never heard from Hydra, but you knew they were watching every day.

You loved the Avengers more than anything, but they weren't your family.

They were Y/N's, the real Y/N.

"Kid, you look like you have the weight of the world on your mind." Steve said, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked up.

"S-Sorry, Steve. Just a bit distracted." You muttered as he nodded.

"Come see me after dinner, okay?"

Dinner went on like usual, Steve told you to meet him up on the roof.

He needed to talk to you and he wanted to seem like a friend and not a team leader.

You found Steve up on the roof and met him on the edge.

"Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay." He said as you stepped out onto the roof and looked out to the city.

"I haven't been great." You muttered as you began to tear up.

"Hey, it's okay." Steve said reaching up and holding your cheek.

"Talk to me, doll." He whispered as you looked up at him.

"Do you...love me? As in, like a family?" You whispered making him smile softly.

"Of course I do, Y/N. We're all a big family here and you're included. I love you very much and I care about you very much." He said as you began to cry.

"Would anything change that?" You whispered before you wrap your arms around him.

He held your tightly and ran his hand through your hair.

"Nothing would change that, nothing at all." He whispered as you sobbed and buried your face in his warm clothes.

"I've got you, Y/N."

You woke up the next morning and made your way downstairs seeing everyone was awake at the dining table.

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