Steve / Villain / Part 2

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Steve had shown you to your room, it was bigger than any room you'd ever seen.

"Wow, are you sure I can have this?" You whispered, looking around.

"Of course, it's all yours now. You can go have a shower if you'd like, I'll go find some extra clothes for you." Steve said as you nodded and watched him leave.
You slowly went to the bathroom and looked around, it was all so modern.
You looked at the shower and hesitated a bit.
You didn't want to take off your clothes, you hated being naked.
There was no privacy in Hydra and definitely not around your father.
You fiddled with your clothes before leaving the bathroom.
You had a silly idea, but maybe it would help.
You left your room and slowly ventured back down to the main room.
You saw Bucky watching TV.

"Soldier?" You whispered as he looked up and saw you.

"Hey, Y/N. Everything okay?" He asked as he stood up and faced you.

"Can I ask for your help?" You whispered, not looking at him.

"Of course, what's up?" He asked as you still fiddled with your clothes.

"I want to have a shower, b-but after Hydra I'm scared to take off me clothes and you're the only one that knows what Hydra is like." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.
It was definitely different for him, a smaller woman showering naked in Hydra was a lot different then a large man.

"Well, I suppose the best thing is to just remember that one the door to the bathroom locks and no one can get in and two we have hot water so it's a lot nicer." He said as you chuckled a little.

"But, if you need help I can get a swimsuit for you if you want. I'm sure I could find a spare one." He said as you smiled a little.
You'd been shown so much kindness in this place.

"That would actually help a lot." You replied making him smile.

"Meet me back up in your room and I'll bring something for you." He said as you nodded and ran back up to your room.
You waited for a while and Steve came back with some clothes.

"Hey, did you shower?" He asked as you looked at him.

"No, I was nervous to be...naked. I talked to Bucky and he's going to get a swimsuit for me." You explained as Steve nodded.

"I'm glad you felt comfortable asking him." Steve said before placing the clothes on the bed.
Bucky came back after a few minutes and handed you a black full piece.

"There, that should fit." Bucky said as you smiled.

"Thank you so much, I'll be back soon. Can you wait here?" You asked the both of them as they smiled.

"Of course, Y/N." Steve replied, he was happy you trusted him.
They watched you disappear into the bathroom and sat and waited.

"Do you remember her?" Steve asked as Bucky sat beside him on the bed.

"Not much, just small glimpses or screams for her. I remember her father. He was an awful man." Bucky muttered as Steve nodded.

"I can't even imagine what she went through."


You finally finished showering and changed into some new clothes.

"Thank you for these, Steve." You said making him smile.

"That's okay, love. Why don't we go get you settled in more?" Steve said as you smiled and nodded.

"Yes, please."

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