Stephen - Redemption

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(He/Him pronouns)

You sat in your usual cell as you read through a boring book that'd you'd read seven times already.
Suddenly you felt a familiar presence and smiled.

"Stephen. Didn't think you'd be the one to pop in for a visit." You said as you sat up and looked to see Stephen in front of your cell.

"Now isn't the time for games, Y/N." He said making you chuckle softly.

"Oh, come on. What's the fun in that?" You said before you tilted your head.

"You need my help, don't you?" You said as Stephen sighed.

"Come on, old friend. Don't act surprise, I told you about Wanda. Yet you still let her roam free." You said making Stephen glare at you.

"You should've killed that snake a long time ago." You grumbled before standing up and walking closer to him.

"She was grieving." Stephen said making you laugh.

"Oh, that's cute. Just because she's a pretty girl doesn't mean she doesn't deserve her head ripped off, Strange." You said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll help you, whatever you need. As long as you help me in return." You said as Strange looked at you and groaned.

"What do you want?" He grumbled as you smiled.

"There's a very lovely sword that you keep in your sanctum, it actually belonged to my father. The only thing in the world that could kill a god. I do this for you and I borrow it for an hour or two." You said as Stephen narrowed his eyes at you.

"And what could you possibly be planning with it." He growled as you looked at him in amusement.

"Oh, come on, Wizard. Do you really have no faith in me? Don't worry, the sword will only take one life." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"I'm not going to let you kill someone." He growled as you chuckled.

"Even if that someone is me?" You asked as he looked even more confused.

"When all of this is over, I only ask one favour. You take the very special sword and run me through with it." You said as he looked at you in shock.

"What?" He muttered as you groaned and rolled your eyes.

"I've lived for too fucking long, Strange. Yeah, I did some fucked up stuff and I've paid for my crimes. Now, I want to finally fuckin' die. The sword is the only thing that can kill me." You explained as he thought for a moment.

"I'll think about it, let's just talk about Wanda first."

You walked beside Stephen through a garden of cherry blossoms.

"You know this is all fake right?" You asked as he looked at you and nodded.

"Yeah, I know." He replied before your eyes saw Wanda in the distance.

"Wanda! Have time for an old friend?" You shouted as she turned around to look at you.

"Friend is a stretch." She muttered as you chuckled.

"Lovely garden, it screams trauma with a side of denial." You said as she smiled at you.

"You're out of prison, that can only mean one thing." She said before turning back to the tree she was attending to.
things went quiet for a moment before you quickly reached out to the side of you. The facade faded and you smiled as you saw your hand wrapped around Wanda's neck.

"Wanda, you really think I'm that stupid don't you?" You said as she gasped for air.

"Maybe I should bring your children here from all those alternate realities, make them watch you die and you know what they would do? Cheer that the monster has been defeated." You growled before she shoved you off of her and swiped at your face with her sharp nails.

"Now, Strange!" You shouted as Strange quickly trapped Wanda with his magic.

"Now, if it were up to me I would kill you and watch the life drain from your pretty eyes, but Strange has a good moral compass or whatever. So, I'm just going to erase that lovely memory, destroy your powers and Strange will drop you off in a reality where you're a school teacher with terrible pay. How does that sound?" You said walking up to her as she tried to use her magic, only causing it to rebound and hit her.

"That was just sad to watch." You muttered before you eyes began to glow.

"This'll just hurt a tad, say goodbye to vision and your dumb ass children." You growled as you began to enter her mind, causing her to scream in pain.
It took a lot of your power and time but you finally finished and watched Wanda fall to the ground unconscious.

"Alright, she's a new person. Oh, please let me choose her new name." You said making Strange roll his eyes again.

"Meet me at the sanctum." He said before picking up Wanda and leaving.

"Okay! But a few things might go missing!"

You went through various amulets and trophies before Strange appeared making you drop one of them.

"That one is on you, not me." You said as he looked at you with a dead pan look in his eyes.

"Okay, so I guess now's a great time to murder me." You said as he sighed.

"I'm not going to do that." He said as your face fell.

"Hey, we had a deal!" You shouted as you rushed towards him but he stopped you with his magic.

"Don't worry, you won't go back to the prison. But, I could use you around here. If you learn to use your power for good, you could be really helpful to us. You'd have somewhere to live other than a prison, and your freedom as long as you agree to not use your power for evil anymore." Strange said as you looked at him in suspicious.

"Can I sleep in your bed with you?" You said with a smirk before he sighed and let his magic go.

"I changed my mind, I'm going to stab you." He grumbled making you laugh.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop being amazingly funny. But, fine, I'll try to be good or whatever. Being in prison is fucking boring, so much so that I will gladly be a fuckin' saint now." You said as Strange groaned.

"This is a huge mistake." He muttered as you laughed and wrapped your arm around him.

"Oh, come on. This is going to be so much fun."

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