Trapped - Part 2

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You felt like you couldn't move, your body felt frozen.

"M-Maybe, maybe it's apart of a plan. And they just didn't tell us." You whispered looking to Bruce, he was just as frozen as you.
The team had only ever followed Steve, and if Steve was gone it was Tony.
Who would they take orders from now?
You heard a noise and looked behind to see Bucky. He took his muzzle off and stared at the TV.

"Bucky, you can't be here." Bruce said as Bucky glared at him.

"Steve is fucking dead, I can be wherever the fuck I want." He growled as you looked at him in shock.
Bucky came over to and sat beside you.

"Bucky." You whispered as he smiled and rested his hand on your cheek.

"I'm sorry for what I did." He whispered making you smile softly.

"So, the first thing you do when I die is cheat on me." You heard a voice say as both you and Bucky paled. You knew who's voice that was, you looked behind you to see Steve standing there cleaning blood off his hands.

"Shame about Tony." He said as we all looked at him in fear.

"Y-You killed Tony?" You whispered as you reached forward and grabbed onto Bucky's hand.

"I did doll, he was getting a mind of his own. He had plans to take over the team and the tower. You know no one can beat me sweetheart." He said as you closed your eyes and shook your head.

"No." You whispered squeezing Bucky's hand.

"Now, my precious girl. Usually when someone disobeyed me this much I would kill them, but you're the love of my life. And I think after a few lessons you'll be back to your normal obedient self. And my perfect soldier, I would have you killed as well. But I know you will be perfect after some lessons as well." Steve said stalking closer to us, you and Bucky stood up and backed away.

"Steve, Y/N was just distraught. She was afraid, you know she loves you." Bruce said standing up and facing Steve.

"I think you'll all find something very interesting. Now, we all know I'm very powerful in this city. But I wanted to be powerful in other ways. So I made an ally." He said before the elevator opened to reveal a single man.

"Loki." You whispered as he smirked stepping out with his staff.

"Well hello everyone, what a lovely reunion this is." He said before he thrust his staff towards Bruce, it glowed blue and you knew what was happening.

"No!" You shouted about to run forward but Bucky stopped you.

"The team will be under my full control now, apart from you darling girl. I need you to learn lessons, and it wouldn't be much fun punishing you without hearing those beautiful cries begging me to stop." Steve said as you began to tear up.

"Steve, please don't do this. I'll do whatever you say, just don't hurt them. We can run away together, just us two and I'll never disobey again." You whispered making him chuckle.

"Doll, this isn't a Disney movie. Such an innocent little thing aren't you? Pathetic and weak." He growled as you closed your eyes, hoping somehow you would wake up and this was all just a nightmare.
Loki's magic began to encircle the room as you held onto Bucky's hand even tighter. Clint dropped to his knees before his eyes glowed blue, Bucky began to groan as he fell to his knees. You dropped beside him and looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He whispered as you began to tear up and watched his eyes turn blue as well.

"Bucky." You whispered hopelessly. No one was here to save you.

"Loki, please stop." You whispered looking up at him as he chuckled.

"You must be truly desperate to ask for my help." He said as you bowed your head and cried.

"Everyone out of the room. Y/N and I need to talk." Steve said as everyone stood up and left with Loki.
You slowly stood up and looked up at Steve crying softly. He came over to you and ran his hand over your cheek.
The sick part was that all you wanted to do was hug him and tell him how sorry you were.

"I'm sorry, I love you." You whispered looking up at him as he smiled and tilted your face to look at him.

"I know sweetheart. All of this is a lot for your precious mind isn't it?" He whispered stroking your face softly as you nodded.

"You know how you can be my good girl? You can take your punishment and learn what you've done wrong. If you do that I'm going to be so proud of you darling." He said as you felt chills down your back. All of this was so wrong, he was just manipulating you.

"I want to make you proud." You whispered as he smiled again.

"That's my girl."

You had thought when Bucky punished you it was bad, it was nothing compared to what Steve had done to you.
You lay on the cold floor of the main room as Steve stood above you and wiped your blood off his hands.

"Deep breaths sweetie." He whispered as you began to sob.

"Bucky." You whispered in your dazed state as Steve's eyes grew even darker just hearing the soldiers name on your lips.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He growled as you slowly got up and sat on your knees.

"Bucky would never hurt me like this. Y-You're a monster." You whispered as Steve only grew angrier. He was about to hit you but somebody stopped him.

"I think that's enough." The voice growled as I looked up to see Bucky, I'd never been so thankful in my life.

"Shows how much you don't know about me if you think Loki's magic can fucking control me. You have no idea how strong my mind is from Hydra." Bucky growled before he pulled out a knife and slit Steve's throat making you gasp and cover your mouth.
You knew this was Bucky's only option.
You stood up and Bucky rushed to you hugging you and hiding you away from Steve.

"I'm sorry doll, I had no other choice." He said as you cried and nodded.

"I know. Where's Loki?" You asked pulling away and looking up at him.

"I made an ally of my own." He said smiling as the elevator opened up to reveal Wanda with Loki bound with magic.

"Wanda!" You shouted running up to her and hugging her.

"I thought you were dead." You whispered as she chuckled and hugged you back.

"I can never die Y/N you should know that. Now, what do you propose we do with Loki." Wanda said before a big rainbow light came down making Loki disappear.

"Well, that's one way. He's Asgard's problem now." Wanda muttered as you smiled and chuckled.

You had managed to get onto Shield, despite them being hidden because of the threats Steve had made so long ago. They agreed to help you and the team out, they took away Steve's body and had the blood cleaned.
You stand on the roof looking out onto the city as you sighed. You didn't know how to feel. Steve was evil and a monster, but the manipulation he did on you made you need to grieve him.
Bucky came up behind you and you turned around to see him.

"It's so stupid that I feel sad." You whispered as he smiled sadly.

"I'm so pathetic for missing him." You whispered looking away from Bucky as he gently grabbed  your hand and offered you a smile.

"Y/N, I know Steve was horrible. He hurt you and tortured you for so long, but he also manipulated you and cared for you. It's normal for your brain to miss him and his approval." Bucky whispered as you nodded and teared up a little.

"We'll do this together okay?" Bucky whispered pulling you into a hug as you buried your head on his chest and cuddled into him.


(I know this was a bit short, but I had to kill him off for my own satisfaction)

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