Hela / New Ruler

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You'd been captured, trying to get innocent Asgardian's to safety while Hela tried to rule her home once again.
You were on your knees with blood covered your body and your hands tied behind your back.
Hela sat in the old kings throne as she looked down at you.

"Now, tell me why a simple servant such as you was able to take down a whole hoard of my army?" She said as you looked up at her.
She chuckled when you didn't talk, one of the guards press a hot iron stake onto your arm, causing it to burn the skin and make you scream.

"Oh, so you do have a voice." She said while smirking as you caught your breath.

"I was a guard for King Odin, but when Loki took over he made me a servant. He didn't deem me worthy to protect him." You muttered, still panting from the pain.

"And yet you still stayed, you didn't try and kill him." She said as you groaned in annoyance.

"I serve whoever rules Asgard, that's how it's always been." You growled as she smiled.

"So, now I get you I suppose? I'm the Queen now aren't I?" She said as your face dropped.
You were sworn to the throne for your entire immortal life, until Asgard fell at least.

"Have I left you speechless?" She asked as you shut your eyes and grit your teeth together.

"I've claimed the throne, I'm your Queen so you better start respecting me." She threatened as you bowed your head.

"Yes, my Queen. I'm sorry." You whispered in defeat as she smiled.

"Well, with that done." She said as she held up her hand, you screamed in pain as you felt your skin burning at the bottom of your back.
You fell face first onto the ground as you writhed in pain, the guards chuckling softly at your suffering.
The pain finally stopped and you gasped, pulling at your restraints.
You tried to get back up but you couldn't, one of the guards grabbed you by your hair and made you sit back on your knees.

"Now, for your first order from your new master. Those lovely Asgardian's you tried to save need to be killed. Think of it as punishment." She said as you closed your eyes and tried your best to not let your tears be seen.
You couldn't disobey a ruler of Asgard, no matter how hard you tried.
Afterall the only reason you were created was to serve.

"Please, my Queen." You begged as she chuckled.

"I didn't think you'd be begging this early, pet." She said as you grit your teeth together and kept your mouth shut.
She stood up and threw you sword down to you, it landed in front of your knees and the guards released you from your restraints.

"We will execute them all in the town centre at dusk, we'll make sure everyone knows to never disobey me and to always fear my new pet." She said as you kept your head bowed, you picked up your sword and slowly stood up.

"Yes, my Queen."


You stood on a platform in the centre of the town square.
Ten Asgardian's were lined up, ready to be executed.
You wore all black apart from a piece of green silk around your neck, the Queen demanded it.
You held your sword in your hand and tried to steady how much it shook.
Everyone was screaming at you, yelling out traitor and monster, only making yours hands shake even more.
Suddenly everything went completely silent as you looked around in shock.

"It'll be easier when you can't hear them begging for mercy." The Queen's voice said in your head as you nodded a little.
She must have used her magic to cut off your hearing for the time being, a small act of mercy towards you.
Hearing the crowd shouting and the victims begging for mercy would have haunted you for your entire life otherwise.
The first victim was up and they pushed her head down on the stone.
This wasn't the first time you'd beheaded someone, you were immortal, you'd done it plenty.
But,r this was the first time you were beheading innocent people.
You were glad you couldn't see their eyes while you murdered them in cold blood.
Maybe somehow Hela wanted to offer you even more mercy, because one second you were about to swing your sword and the next you were covered in blood with ten heads in front of you.
You gasped and your hearing came back as you heard screaming all around you.
Had Hela controled your mind because she wanted you to be ruthless? Or because she wanted to spare you from doing it yourself?
You felt like you couldn't move, between the screams and blood covering you, you were stunned.
You could hear Hela speaking but you couldn't even try to listen.
Suddenly a guard grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you along.
You hadn't even noticed the Asgardian's were about to attack you.
You were dragged away until you were in front of Hela.

"The first execution is always the hardest." She said wiping some blood of your cheek.

"That's not my first, it's my first killing innocent people." You growled as she glared at you.

"Innocent people wouldn't disobey their Queen." She said before your back began to burn in the same spot as before.
You hissed in pain and tried to not give her the satisfaction of crying.

"That burning in your back, it's my mark, which means you're mine. It also means that if you disobey me or disrespect me, that little mark will burn until you beg me to stop. And if you try to run away, it will burn so much that you will pass out from the pain. Do you understand?" She whispered as the burning stopped.

"I understand." You growled as she looked at you expectantly.

"My Queen." You continued as she smiled.

"Good pet. Take her back to the castle."


You were trying to weigh up who was better, Loki or Hela?
Loki made you a servant for years, made you sleep in a shitty cot with 100 other servants and didn't give two shits about you. Even though you cared for him when he was a child.
Now with Hela, she made you do her killing but looking around your room was making you question if she was all bad.
She'd given you one of the rooms that rulers from other realms would stay in when they visited Asgard.
You hadn't slept in a bed like this since...you actually couldn't remember.
Odin wasn't as bad as Loki but he definitely didn't treat you like this.
You sat on the luscious bed and ran your hand over it.
You door opened and you looked up to see Hela.
You quickly stood up and knelt to her, you didn't even control it.
Maybe it was her magic.

"Why have you given me this room?" You muttered, looking up at her.

"To sleep in." She said plainly as you rolled your eyes.

"Im your slave, why give me a room fit for a ruler?" You asked as she chuckled softly.

"Because you're not my slave, darling. You're my everything, my warrior, my executioner, my maid, my pet and whatever else I need. I can barely stand having people run around me. I rather just have my guards, and you. And because you have such an important job you desevere a lovely room to rest in. A Queen should treat her pets fairly shouldn't she?" She said as you looked up at her, you weren't sure what to think.

"What is my duty now?" You whispered as she smiled, her hand reached down to run through your hair.

"To bathe and get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow, sweet pet." She said before walking out of your room, leaving you alone on your knees.
You were terrified what your life would be like now, but somehow you were excited.
When Hela looked at you, it was like she saw someone important.
Whenever any other King or Queen looked at you it was as if they were just looking at an object.
Hela somehow saw worth within you.

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