Avengers - Beast

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(I'm not dead! Just dealing with life lol)

All you knew was this cold dark cell, the fear and the pain, the rattling of the chains on your feet.
You were a monster and you were starving. You had colourless skin, your eyes sunken in, sharp teeth and nails and your eyes bright yellow. They would only ever throw in dead birds or foxes for you to consume. It was never enough to satisfy your hunger and they tasted disgusting.
You had no idea how long you had been here. But something was right, you hadn't heard any noise for three days and no one had come to feed you.
Suddenly you heard some voices and a large bang as you lifted your head and looked around. You were so hungry, you could smell that they were humans.
You curled up in the corner and waited for the to appear. A tall brunette and blonde haired man appeared and looked at you.

"Fucking hell." The brunette muttered as they looked down at you.
You growled lowly at them and they both looked down at you in fear.

"Whatever that is it stinks." Bucky muttered blocking his nose as you stopped growing and looked away from them.

"Shh, I think they can understand us." Steve said before he knelt down and looked at you.

"Can you understand me?" He asked as you looked at him and nodded a little.

"We aren't going to hurt you alright? We're here with a team to investigate the illegal activity that's been going on. But it looks like everyone fled a few days ago. And I think they left you behind." He said as you looked away in sadness.

"Is it safe if I unlock this door? Can you promise to not attack us?" He asked as you looked up again.

"H-Hungry." You muttered as he looked at you sadly.

"How about if you promise to not hurt us, we'll get you whatever food you'd like?" Steve asked as you nodded, he busted open the iron door and stepped inside. He used the colourful shield he had to break the chains on your foot but the metal clamps were still on your ankles.

"We'll get the cuffs off later." Steve said helping you stand up as you caught a smell of him. You needed to control yourself, you mainly only ate dead things though.
He helped you out of the cell and you looked up at the brunette man.

"Let's get her out of here." Steve said as Bucky nodded, Steve held you up and you followed them up some stairs where you saw a red head woman and a man in a red metal suit.

"Found a souvenir?" The metal man said as Bucky chuckled and you looked up at them.

"We found her locked away in the basement." Steve said as you pushed him away and stumbled to the other two people.

"Hungry." You growled at them looking them up and down.
You heard a small noise and looked up to see a rat running along the hall. You quickly pounced on it and killed it before swallowing the body.

"Fucking hell!" Tony shouted as they all looked at you in fear. You looked up with blood on your face and quickly wiped it away before running down the hall.

"And I thought Barnes was an animal." Nat muttered as Bucky and Steve ran after you. They found you at the exit staring out into the sun.
You reached out into the sunlight and immediately yelped and pulled your hand back. Steve gently took your hand to see it was burnt.

"Alright, we'll keep her away from the sun I suppose." Bucky muttered as you pulled your hand away from Steve.
He could see you were beginning to get frustrated, you wanted to go outside but you couldn't. Steve thought for a bit before he held up his shield and blocked the sun from you. Every now and then a bit would touch your skin but you were close to the jet that Steve was leading you to.
You finally made it inside and instantly jumped in and landed on the floor.
Tony and Nat weren't far behind as they looked at you with a puzzled look.

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