Bucky - Doctor

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(Need more he/him oneshots, especially now cause i actually use those pronouns sometimes)

There was something about him. Maybe it was the fact that I was in hydra for my whole life and hadn't had any other human contact.
But lord save me the soldier was going to be the death of me.
How the fuck did I manage to fall in love with the Winter Soldier? He was ruthless and practically a monster but holy shit he was hot, and the only person in this place that seemed to have a soul or personality.
Maybe I was just as crazy as they all said, I think I was slightly obsessed with him. Can you blame me?
I barely even talked to the soldier, I was a doctor, scientist, nurse or whatever the fuck Hydra needed.
I hadn't had the soldier serum like the rest of Hydra's slaves, they wanted me for my brain, so that's what they used me for.

I was in the lab testing out new serums I had created, that's what I usually did in this shit hole.
I heard a commotion and looked up to see three agents dragging the soldier into my lab and throwing him onto a table.

"He got injured on a mission, all the other doctors are busy. Fix him." One growled as I nodded and watched them leave.
My heart pounded in my chest, he was right in front of me, we were alone in a room.
I quickly rushed over to him to see he had been shot in the shoulder, they must not have had enough beds in the infirmary. I had heard there was a big mission today, by the looks of it it didn't go so well.

"It's alright soldier." I whispered quickly grabbing all the medical supplies I had in my lab and dumped them on the table beside him.

"Okay, first thing's first. I need to get the bullet out." I muttered to myself getting out the correct instrument for the job.
I held his shoulder down and began digging into the wound, he groaned softly. I was scared he would wake up and murder me on the spot.

"It's alright, almost out." I whispered yanking the bullet out and sighing in relief.
Next I needed to make sure he didn't bleed out.
I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and began to treat around the wound, as I touched it his metal hand reached up to grab my arm.

"It's okay, I'm helping you." I said softly as he looked into my eyes.
His gaze on me could make my knees buckle, he'd never looked at me for so long.
His grip lightened but his hand didn't move from my arm as I finished treating the wound.

"I need to put a bandage over it." I said as he nodded, his eyes wouldn't leave my face.
I applied the bandage for him and gently ran my hand over it when it was finished.
I looked up at his face to see some cuts, it was the perfect excuse to get close to him. I grabbed the alcohol again and dabbed a cloth before going up to his face.

"I just need to clean the cuts on your face." I said as he nodded.

"Who are you?" He asked, I continued to clean his face softly.

"My name is Y/N." I replied making him nod in response.

"I don't remember my name." He responded beginning to relax a little more.

"I'm guessing the mission didn't go so well?" I muttered finishing up cleaning his face.

"We were ambushed by the Avengers." He said as I nodded, I could see something lingering in his eyes.

"Seems like there's pain behind that statement." I replied looking down at him.

"The one that they called Captain America, he said that he knew me. He called me Bucky and something inside of me responded to that." He muttered looking up into my eyes.

"Soldier!" I heard a voice shout that snapped me out of my trance.
I looked behind me to see Strucker entering.

"Is he stable?" Strucker asked as I looked up and nodded.

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