Steve - Swings

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Steve heard something in the middle of the night, he thought maybe it was Bucky but then remembered Bucky was right beside him fast asleep.

He slowly stood up trying to not wake up his partner.
He snuck out of the room and noticed the noise was coming from your room.
Steven knocked and then entered to see you near your bed making a circle around it with salt.

"Y/N?" He asked as you looked up with your red tired eyes.

'O-Oh, shit sorry Steve. Did I wake you?" You muttered putting the salt down and standing up.

"Everything okay? What are you doing?" He asked as you looked down at the salt circle.

"Oh it's just like protection against demons. Make sure good old Dad doesn't come back from the dead!" You said as he looked at you sadly.
You hadn't been here very long and coming from Hydra the team new you would be pretty unstable. Your father was a leader in Hydra and he was killed when he Avengers rescued you.
Now that he was gone and you were safe, you'd become paranoid. Constantly thinking your father was now a demon in hell coming back to get you. Steve couldn't blame you, he knew what your father had done.

"Do you need any help doll?" He asked as you shook your head and went back to completing the circle.

"No, that's okay. You can go back to sleep." You muttered as he looked at you with worry.

"I'm just across the hall over? If you need to wake me up I promise I won't mind." Steve said as you nodded with your back faced to him.
He decided to leave you for the moment but he would make a point to leave his and our door open so he could listen out for you.
You finished the circle and climbed back into bed clinging onto the teddy Bucky had given you.
Thankfully you slept until the morning.

Steve got up at about 7am and went in to check on you to see you fast asleep. He smiled softly and closed your door hoping you would sleep a bit more.
He made his way downstairs to see Natasha coming back from a run.

"You've slacked off Rogers." She said making him chuckle softly.

"I'm one hundred years old, I think I can take some days off." He replied as she laugh a little too.

"How's Y/N doing? I haven't had the chance to officially meet her, between mission I feel like I'm never here." Nat muttered as Steve headed to the kitchen to start his morning coffee.

"She's been okay, just paranoid her father is going to come back somehow." Steve replied sighing softly.

"I don't blame her, Tony told me about her father. He was a fucked up guy to say the least." She replied sitting at the kitchen bench while Steve prepared his breakfast.

"It's going to be a slow process but I know we can help her to feel safe. It's just the mood swings we need to watch, one minute she can be happy as anything and the next she'll be screaming bloody murder and trying to kill us." Steve mumbled pausing when he heard a noise to see you coming down the stairs.
He had no idea what mood you would be in.

"Morning doll." He said as you looked up and smiled, you sat beside Natasha with a seat in the middle so you weren't too close.

"Can you make me cereal? Please?" You asked giving Steve puppy dog eyes making him chuckle.

"Of course." He replied as you looked beside at Nat.

"Hi." You muttered making her smile in return.

"Any plans for the day?" She asked as you thought for a while.

"Probably annoy Tony mostly, maybe make fun of Bucky." You replied simply making the both of them chuckle.
You saw Steve's coffee and pouted.

"Can I have one? I won't tell Bruce I promise." You said as he looked up at you.

"You can't have it on your medication doll." Steve said as you groaned.

"Fine." You muttered before he came to sit between you and Nat.
Steve looked beside at you to see you pouting and mixing around your cereal.

"I'm going out to the store later to grab some things to make dinner tonight, do you wanna join me?" He asked as you looked up at him and smiled, your whole demeanour changing.

"Yeah! I'd love to!" You shouted happily as Nat looked at you in shock.

"After breakfast head up and get ready." Steve replied as you nodded and continued eating.
Once you were finished you rushed up stairs as fast as you could.

"You weren't kidding about the mood swings. Are you sure it's the best idea to bring her in public?" Nat questioned as Steve looked beside at her.

"It's a bit risky but I'll take some of her medication with me in case I need to calm her down."

With an outfit on you ran back downstairs to see Steve waiting for you.

"Ready to go?" He asked as you nodded and smiled.
He returned your smile and you followed him to the elevator.
You bumped into him and heard something drop, you looked down to see a bottle of your medication.

"Why do you have that?" You muttered as he quickly grabbed it.

"I was just bringing it with us in case Y/N." He said as you glared at him.

"No you weren't! You were going to drug me!" You screamed as Nat came out to see you screaming at Steve.

"Doll, it's okay. It was just in case you got too overwhelmed with all the people." Steve said calming as you screamed and stormed off.

"You all just think I'm a fucking monster!" You screamed at them before running upstairs and slamming your door making Steve sigh.

"I still have to go and grab a few things and I know she needs some time to cool off." Steve said before heading back into the elevator.

Steve returned an hour later and after unpacking the groceries he made his way up to your room.
He gently knocked on it and opened the door to see you sitting up in bed.

"Hey." You whispered with remorse in your voice.

"Hey, I brought you some chocolate." He said walking over to you and handing you a chocolate bar making you smile.

"Thank you. I'm sorry about before." You muttered before he sat down on the edge of your bed.

"Sometimes, my mind just switches. Something changes and all logic and reason go out the window and I think everyone is out to get me or trying to kill me. Even now I know this salt stuff is bullshit, but my mind changes so much that sometimes I think it's real. I think my father is going to come back or something. I'm so sick of being unstable, I want to get to know everyone and maybe live like a normal-ish person. But I can't, I change so quickly that I don't know what I'll do. I hate that he made me this way." You muttered not looking up at Steve. He could see this was the real you, the Y/N he knew.

"I know how confusing and aggravating it must be, to not know when you'll switch or suddenly become violent. Bruce is still slowly working out your medications so it's going to be rough for a bit longer until we can help stabilise you a bit more. The team understands as well, they know how quickly you can change and I know as well. I won't hold any of it against you because I know it's not really you meaning it. I'll be here every step of the way okay? I lost count of the times Bucky has pinned me down by my throat during one of his episodes, I still love him. It'll be the same for you, we'll all try out best to understand." Steve said as you felt tears in your eyes, you'd never had anyone understand you.
You leapt forward and wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"Thank you Steve."

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