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(watching the boys new music video and remembered how much I love ayslum au's)

You laid in your bed with your teddy clutched to your chest like usual.
You knew it was nearing time for Tony to come in and give you your medication.
You didn't like when he would come in, he was always a bit too affectionate with you, even though he knew you hated been touched.
You stared at the wall until you heard your door open.

"Good morning, angel!" He called out as you turned around and looked at him.

"I think you know what time it is." He said sitting on the side of your bed and holding up a cup of pills.
You sat up and grabbed thr cup before downing the pills, you were too tired to fight him on it.
He handed you a glass of water to wash it down.

"Look at that, you're such a good girl." He said placing his hand on your thigh as you looked away from him.

"Get changed and meet me outside, okay?" He whispered as you nodded and watched him leave again.
You got out of bed and got on your 'day clothes' which were exactly the same as your pajamas.
You knocked on the door and Tony opened it for you.

"Breakfast time, angel." He said as you followed him down the halls.

"Do I have treatment today?" You whispered looking down at the floor as you walked.

"You do, angel. It won't be too bad, Wanda is always nice to you." He said as you froze and looked up at him.

"Wanda is doing it?" You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"I know you're afraid of her, but you don't need to be." Tony said grabbing your hand bringing you along.
You tried to drag out your breakfast as much as you could.
But the inevitable came, two nurses grabbed you before yiu tried to run away.

"No! Let me go!" You screamed thrashing in their arms.
They were much stronger than you though and you didn't stand a chance.
They dragged you along the halls as you fought, you didn't want to see Wanda.
When they reached Wanda's room they threw you inside and closed the door.
You stood up and bashed against the door.

"Oh come on, Y/N. We do this everytime." You heard a voice say as you felt tears in your eyes and shook your head.

"No, no get away from me." You whispered hearing her chuckle as you began to cry.

"Just like a little child that lost its mother." She said as you slid down the door and covered your face, sobbing.

"Have some pride, Y/N." She growled grabbing your arm to pull you up.

"No! Get off me!" You screamed trying to hit her. But like always you blinked and suddenly you were restrained to the metal table.

"You'll never win against me." She whispered looking down at you and running a finger down your cheek.
She began attaching things to your head as you closed your eyes.
You had a mouth gaurd over your mouth as you wished somehow this wasn't real.

"How do we wake her up?" You heard a voice say as you looked around in confusion.
But you didn't have enough time to think before she flicked the switch making an electrical surge run through your brain and body.
You screamed and bit down as hard as you could on the mouth guard.


After an hour you were finally done, through your hazy eyes you looked up to see Tony.
You'd never been so thankful to see him. He undid the restraints and picked you up as you cried softly.

"I told you, you have to stay on her good side, angel. Or she does stuff like this." He muttered looking down at your dazed face.

"I didn't... I didn't do anything." You whispered as he sighed softly.

"You have to rest now." He said as you felt him place you on a soft bed.

"No... Don't leave." You whispered as you felt yourself passing out again.


"We'll figure it out, Buck."

"I can't lose her, not again."

"Come on, Y/N."

You gasped and woke up seeing you were in your room at the asylum.
That voice you'd heard, it sounded like James.
Why would you be hearing his voice in your head?
You barely spoke to him.
Your door opened again and you looked up to see exactly who you were thinking off.

"Were you in my room last night?" You whispered sitting up as he looked at you in confusion.

"No, why would I be in your room?" He asked handing you your pills.

"I heard your voice in my sleep. It was odd." You muttered looking down at the pills.

"It was just a dream." He said as you nodded.

"Don't take the pills." He said as you looked up at him in confusion.

"Trust me." He said as you nodded and handed them back to him, he went to the toilet and flushed them down.

"Why shouldn't I take them?" You asked standing up.

"It'll weaken you, I have to get you out here." He whispered looking down the hallways.

"Come on." He said grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room.

"I don't understand." You muttered as he pulled you along.

"I know, but you have to trust me." He said before pulling you into a hallway as a nurse went by.

"Now, now Y/N. This isn't very good of you is it?" You heard Wanda's voice say as your face paled.

"It's okay, I'll get you out. When you have the chance, stab her in the head with this." Bucky whispered, handing you a knife and stepping out in front of Wanda.

"She's not going with you." He growled as you watched him and Wanda.
They began to fight as you covered your mouth.
Was this because you didn't take your medication?
Suddenly Wanda stabbed Bucky and you screamed and ran towards him.

"Bucky!" You shouted catching him before he fell.

"It's okay, doll. The real me is out there waiting for you to wake up. Do what I told you." He whispered as you nodded.

"That's what happens when you disobey, Y/N. I take away your toys." Wanda said as you felt tears in your eyes.
You gripped the knife in your hand and lunged at her plunging it into her skull as you screamed.
The world felt as though it was glitching, you felt dizzy and backed away watching the rooms around you disappear.



You gasped and awoke once more looking around to see a medical lab.
You looked beside you to see Bucky.
He lunged forward and hugged you tightly.

"Oh god, doll. You're back." He whispered as your memories began to come back.

"Buck? What happened?" You whispered resting your head against his shoulder.

"It was Wanda, she came to the tower and she was...different. You tried to stop her but she knocked you out and put you into some weird simulation." He explained pulling away from you as you thought for a bit.

"Wanda was in their. She hurt me, but you were there too. You sacrificed yourself for me." You whispered holding onto Bucky's hand as you closed your eyes.

"You're back now, love." He whispered as you nodded.

"Why did she target me? I never hurt her." You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.
Once upon a time you and Wanda were friends.

"I don't know, doll. Let's not think about it, I've got you back. That's the main thing." He said as you smiled and hugged him again.

"I missed you."

Marvel Oneshots - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now