Tony / Welcome Home

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Tony was exhausted and most of all he was missing you more than anything.
Being on a mission with Steve and Bucky was mentally taxing, especially when he had to listen to them bicker every day.
But now they were finally on their way home. Tony felt safe leaving you in the care of Bruce but he felt safer when he was by your side to make sure you were happy.
Tony had known you for a long time now, ever since you were five.
But one day you were injured in an accident, and you were never the same after it. Tony had two options, let his friend waste away in a hospital by herself or let her live with the avengers where she would have the best medical care in the world.
It was an easy choice.

"How do you think Y/N will go when Loki joins the team?" Steve asked as they were a few minutes out from the tower.

"I haven't talked to her about it yet, but I'm sure she'll be okay. She just needs to get used to having a new person around." Tony replied as Steve nodded.

"Well, I know she'll be ecstatic that you're back home." Steve said making Tony smile.

They finally arrived home and Tony sighed, he felt exhausted.
The jet landed on the roof and he saw you waiting there with Bruce, he chuckle softly seeing Bruce having to hold you back.
The door opened and you ran as fast as you could towards Tony, you jumped onto him as he laughed and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm so happy to see you." He whispered as you both hugged each other tightly.

"Do I get a hug too?" You heard Bucky say as you laughed and ran to him next, giving him a big hug.
You made sure to not leave Steve out either, you were just so happy to have them all back.
Tony knew that if you could talk you would be listing off everything you got up to while he was gone.
But he was sure you would catch him up later.
You held tightly onto Tony's hand as everyone went into the tower.

"I really need to freshen up." Tony groaned as he rubbed his neck.
Bucky and Steve went to go clean up as well, and Tony knew you wouldn't leave his side.
You sat on his bed while he shower and talked to you through the open door.
You were just so ecstatic to have him back.
Tony emerged from the bathroom in fresh clothes and you ran up to him and hugged him again.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's go have lunch and talk." Tony said taking your hand again.
You ran forward and dragged Tony along making him laugh.
You made it downstairs to see Bucky and Steve already there. You ran up to them both and gave them a hug again.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." Steve whispered as he hugged you tightly.
You sat down at the table and Tony got some lunch ready for everyone while he talked to Bruce.

"Everything okay while I was gone?" Tony asked as Bruce smiled softly.

"Yeah, she had a few moments where she was scared you weren't coming back but I made sure to reassure her." Bruce said as Tony nodded.

"Thank you for looking after her." Tony said making Bruce smile.
Tony brought lunch over and sat beside you.

"So, how about after lunch we put on a movie and you tell me eveyrhring I missed?" He said making you smile and nod excitedly.

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