Yandere Dr. Strange

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(this is a Lil weird)

This place could easily be referred to as hell.
But hey at least you had a bed and food, right?
Stephen always made sure you were taken care of, but he wouldn't let you leave that's for sure.
He knew magic, if you so much as tried to open the front door you'd go through millions of mind bending tricks, just to end up in the same place.
You felt like you were just a trophy, lost among all the other artifacts.
Stephen was barely even here, so most days you just wandered around the sanctum.
You sighed and sat at one of the windows, of course it didn't show outside.
It showed a portal to other worlds, sometimes it changed.
You were bored out of your mind.

"Who do we have here?" You heard a voice say as you gasped and looked across from you to see...

"Stephen?" You muttered, he looked very different.
You stood up as he came closer.
He reached forward and held your face in his hand.

"You're not Stephen." You whispered as he chuckled.

"Brave little one aren't you?" He said running his hand over your cheek.
You stepped back and tried to keep your distance.

"Where's Stephen?" You whispered as he smiled and looked you up and down.

"I am Stephen, sweetheart. Just from a different universe." He said, stalking closer to you as you backed up against the wall.

"Please don't touch me, Stephen will be really angry." You whispered as he tilted his head and looked at you in confusion.

"What are you? A maid? Or his girlfriend?" He asked, coming within inches of your face as you looked into his dark eyes.

"Um... I just, I just stay here. He takes care of me, I can't leave." You whispered as his smile faded.

"Would you like to leave?" He asked as you looked at him in shock.

"No! No of course not, I would never leave or try to. I promise." You stuttered out as he reached up and held your face again.

"And I thought I was cruel. Here he is keeping you here against your will." He whispered as you looked at him in fear.

"No, it's okay. He's keeping me safe." You said as he sighed and grabbed your hand.

"Would you like to see the outside world?" He asked as you shook your head.

"No, I can't leave. If I try..." You trailed off, looking away from him.

"He uses magic to keep you here." He whispered as you nodded a little.

"Follow me." He whispered as he pulled you along and down the stairs.
You gripped onto him tighter when you got close to the cusp of the entry way.

"His magic is pathetic compared to mine. He can't hurt you anymore." He whispered to you, about to open the door.

"Y/N! Do not go anywhere with that man!" You heard Wong shout as you turned around and looked up at him on the stairwell.

"He is an evil sorcerous. Nothing good will come from this." He growled as you looked at him.

"But, Stephen is evil as well. At least this one will let me outside." You replied as Wong narrowed his eyes.

"He isn't evil! He keeps you here for your own safety. I can't let you leave Y/N." Wong said, summoning his magic as dark Stephen put you behind him.

"Oh, really? You think I'm the villain here? Says the one keeping an innocent soul here against her will." Stephen said as you slowly backed away.
While they were talking you opened the door and ran out into the streets without them noticing.
You kept running until someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
You screamed until you saw it was the 'darker' Stephen.
You quickly leapt up and hugged him as he looked down at you in shock.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't running from you. I just didn't want to be hurt, I'm so sorry." You whispered as he slowly wrapped his arms around you.

"Shh, it's okay, kitten." He whispered, holding you tightly.

"Will you protect me from him?" You whispered ever so quietly as he smiled.

"As long as I live, my pet."

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