Bucky / Empath

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Being an empath and living with the Avengers wasn't always easy, actually it was fucking hard.
But, you did your best to not let it effect you, did your best to meditate or listen to music.
Bucky was the worst of it, you hated staying away from him, you wanted to get to know him but when you got close to him you'd cry or have a break down.
You were on the roof of the tower meditating.
You usually liked to do it outside.
Suddenly you felt a pain in your chest and tears in your eyes.

"Bucky?" You muttered turning around to see him coming out onto the roof.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't know you'd be up here." He said about to leave before you stopped him.

"No, it's okay. Why don't we talk?" You said as he walked forward and you quickly wiped away your tears.

"I know you don't really like being around me." Bucky said as you looked at him sadly.

"Buck, that's not true at all." You whispered as he looked at you.

"Why do you always avoid me?" He asked, more tears welled in your eyes, his emotions were getting to you.
But, you didn't care.

"Well, Steve's probably told you that I'm an empath. It means I feel others emotions and when I'm around you it hits me like a wave of anger and sadness, and sometimes it gets too much for me. And that's not your fault one bit." You explained as he looked at you in shock.

"I didn't know." Bucky whispered as you smiled.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, you deserved to know." You replied as he smiled a little.

"I'm just glad it's nothing that I did. I was scared that you were afraid of me." He said making you chuckle.

"No, definitely not. You're no where near as scary as the monsters I've fought." You said as you both stood on the edge and looked out to the city.
There was still tears in your eyes.

"Feeling what everyone else feels, must be a lot." Bucky said making you sigh.

"It isn't ideal, but I have to deal with it. I do what I can to make sure it doesn't kill me." You responded as Bucky looked at you.

"Is that why you're crying?" Bucky asked as you chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I'm crying your tears." You whispered making him look at you sadly.

"What if I tried to feel something else?" He whispered, turning to you and reaching his hand up to rest on your cheek.

"We both deserve a break from our emotions, don't we?" He whispered as he glanced at your lips.
You nodded a little and did you best to not stop breathing.
You didn't know how he had done it, but your crying did stop.
You felt at ease, for the first time in years.

"You feel so many negative emotions, but no one ever shows you positive one's." He whispered, slowly leaning in and kissing your lips as you felt yourself melt.
You grip onto the front of his shirt and kissed him back.
It was as though your brain was finally silent.
He pulled away a little and looked into your eyes.

"Whenever I'm around you, I feel a sense if calm. I want to return the favour." He said making you smile and blush a little.

"It's definitely helping." You whispered making him chuckle.
You leaned in and pressed your lips to his again as you drowned in the feeling of peace and quiet.

"So, now whenever I get overwhelmed I just need to kiss you?" You asked as he laughed softly.

"And you know, if you ever get really really overwhelmed." He said smirking at you, making you laugh.

"We've said three words to each other, kissed twice and now we're gonna fuck?" You said as he rested his forehead against yours and chuckled.

"It's not the worst idea." He said as you kissed him softly again.

"I'll keep it in mind."

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