Bucky - Lyla

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(29 December 2021) just gonna start writing the date on top so I know when I wrote this stuff haha

(Horror themes)

"You ever think about trading me in?" You muttered as you laid your back onto Bucky's chest and held onto his hand.

"Why would you ever ask that you idiot?" He replied as you chuckled.

"Well, I'm not even human. I don't know, I thought maybe you'd want a human like you." You muttered your smile fading.

"You need to stop thinking like that, I will never trade you in. I love you so much doll, because you're not human it doesn't change it. We've been together for years now, why are you second guessing it now?" Bucky asked as you sighed a little.

"I-I had a dream, that you cheated on me." You whispered holding onto his hand tighter.

"Darling, you know that would never happen. I know how real it felt, but it's not real I promise. I would never in a million years do that." He whispered kissing the top of your head.

"You ever think about moving out of the tower?" You asked him playing with his hand.

"Maybe when we decide to give this hero life up we can go live somewhere in the country together. Get some dogs." He replied making you smile, it sounded like such a lovely idea.

"I would love that so much." You whispered in response. Suddenly the door to your bedroom burst open and a scary woman entered. She looked like Frankenstein's monster.
Like she had sewn pieces of skin into her body and face.

"I-I found you my love, I found you. Right where they said." She whispered as her eyes were wide and unblinking, she brought out a sharp knife and chuckled.

"Just one more piece, one more piece and you'll love me." She whispered pointing her blade at you as you both leapt up and watched her.

"Who the fuck are you?" You growled as she glared at you.

"I'm his soulmate, the one he will always love." She growled at you, you narrowed your eyes at her.

"That didn't answer my fucking question." You hissed before she threw the knife and you piercing your shoulder as you screamed.

"Y/N!" Bucky shouted about to run to you before she grabbed him and threw him to the floor pinning him down.

"Don't worry about her my love, it's just us two now. It's just us." She whispered caressing his face.
You groaned and took the knife out of your shoulder and threw it to the ground.
You tackled the monster to the ground and punched her as she laughed.

"All I need is your body, I can sew your skin into mine and he'll finally love me more than anything!" She shouted at you punching you in the stab wound.
You wrapped your hand around her neck, but she was too strong.
She threw you off her and went to hit you but Bucky stopped her and put her in a headlock.

"Time for you to go to sleep." He growled as she fell unconscious.

"What the hell was that?" You grumbled getting up off the floor and stumbling to Bucky.

"Friday, get Bruce and Steve here." Bucky said holding onto you looking at your wound.

"Bruce will fix you up, Steve can take her to a cell, stay with me angel." Bucky whispered picking you up as you began to feel dizzy.
Bruce came running down the hall with Steve as they saw the passed out girl on the floor and the blood on your clothes.

"What the- What happened!?" Steve yelled as Bruce rushed to you to look at the wound.

"Steve, take this thing to a cell and I'll get Y/N up to the infirmary. I'll explain what I can later once that thing is in a cell." Bucky growled as they both nodded, Steve grabbed the monster and carried her out as they went their separate ways.
Bruce, Bucky and you to the infirmary and Steve and the monster to the cells.

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