Bucky - Comfort

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(comfort fic for myself)

My hands were shaking as I sobbed.

"Friday, can you get Bucky." I whispered, trying my best to catch my breath.
I was shaking so much, I knew that if I didn't have Bucky here with me, I was going to spiral.
After a few minutes my door slowly opened and I looked up to see Bucky entering.
I knew he wouldn't care that it was midnight.

"Hey, doll." He whispered, coming forward to where I was on the ground in front of my bed.

"Bucky." I whispered as he sat beside me, I straddled his waist and wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could.

"Oh, sweetheart. It's okay, I'm here now." He whispered while he rubbed his hand up and down my back.
I began to sob even more as I gripped onto Bucky's shirt.

"I don't want him to find me." I cried out as Bucky held my tightly.

"He won't, doll. Everyone here would never let that happen. Especially me. You're safe here." He replied as I buried my face in his neck.
This didn't happen very often, but whenever it did Bucky was the only one I wanted to see.
It was the same for him whenever he had a nightmare as well.
We would just hold each other until we calmed down.
Bucky helped me back into bed and he laid beside me.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Bucky asked as I looked at him in the dim lighting.

"I was reliving a memory. The one where my father caught me after I'd escaped." I whispered in response as Bucky nodded.

"I just begged and begged for him to finally kill me, then maybe the nightmare would end." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"The nightmare has ended, doll. He's not here anymore and I'll make he'll never hurt you again." Bucky whispered, pulling you into his chest as you cuddled into him.

"I'm here. It's just us, love."

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