Bucky - Attached

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There wasn't much in the world that Bucky found joy in anymore.
He escaped Hydra and now lived in a shitty apartment in a terrible part of the city.
But one day he saw light in his dark and dreary world.
For once in his new life someone had looked and him and smiled.
It was so simple but he loved the feeling of not being invisible for once.
You were a waitress at a Cafe, you always kept so positive and would smile even if someone was rude to you.
He would sit in the corner booth and just watch you work.
Swearing that he would kill anyone that was rude to you.

"Hey, Buck! Would you liek the usual?" You beautiful voice snapped him out of his trance as he looked up to see you smiling at him.
Over the last three weeks he'd noticed your smile at him was different then your smile at others.
The one you showed him was real.

"Maybe I should try something different." He grumbled starring down at the menu as you smiled.

"Well, I know you're a fan of bitter flavours. The chef made these weird tart things with really bitter chocolate, I can't stand them but I think you'd be perfect for them." You said making him chuckle softly.

"Nothing sounds better, doll." He replied making you smile even more.

"Wonderful, I'll be right back." You said as he watched you leave, already missing your presence.
You eventually brought him his order and he ate while watching you work, like he usually did.
He saw a tall blonde man walk in, he was in a suit and Bucky already knew he was trouble by the way he was looking at you.
His jaw clenched when he saw you smile and say hello to him, but he could see it was a fake smile.

"Bring us something sweet, baby." He demanded before sitting down, Bucky could see the small doubt on your face but it was quickly replaced with a fake smile.
He watched as you went back over to the table and gave them food and coffee.
The man smacked your ass and Bucky lost it and jumped up storming over to the man.
He grabbed his wrist with his metal hand and the man cried out in pain.

"Apologise." He growled looking down at the man.

"Calm the fuck down, dude!" He said before Bucky applied more pressure.

"Fucking apologise." He warned one last time.

"Fine! I'm sorry!" He shouted at you as you flinched a little.
The man ran out of the cafe as you were left stunned.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked turning to you as you nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I just...didn't expect anyone to stand up for me." You muttered making Bucky look at you in shock.
He thought you'd be angry at him.

"No one should treat you like that." He whispered as you looked around to see everyone starring at you.

"I'm just going to get some fresh air." You muttered before rushing out the back entrance.
Bucky followed closely behind you.

"Sorry, it was just too much. Everyone looking at me." You muttered as he nodded.

"What if he comes back with police or something? He might try to take you or me to court or..." You began to panic before Bucky placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N, it's okay. Deep breath, he won't come back and even if he does I have ways to fight him off. You don't have to worry about him." He said as you took a deep breath and nodded.

"Sorry, I just panic so easily." You whispered as he cautiously reached up to hold your cheek in his hand.
You looked up at him and he could see you were begining to calm down.

"You don't need to apologise, not to me." He said as you smiled softly and looked into his eyes.

"Thank you, Bucky." You said as his heart began to flutter.
He couldn't let you go ever again, it was too dangerous for you out there.
But now wasn't the time, he needed to wait till tonight.

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