Loki - Peace

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(Short but a lil sweet one)

It's hard to find words to even start a story about myself. If I started at the beginning I'm afraid we would be here until the end of time.
So, all I'll say is that one day I formed in a strange place covered in sand and stars. I woke up already knowing nearly everything I needed to know.
I can't even count how long ago that was, it was before time that was certain. Ever since then I spent my life on earth, well multiple earths. Always travelling between ever realm.
Lately things had been quiet, maybe I was finally getting the break I deserved or maybe it was just the calm before the storm.
I liked this universe, it was one of the good ones.
I had been with the Avengers for about two years now, they all had their own past, stories and heartbreak.
Somehow that made me feel at home, they accepted me for who I was.
I sat in the main area around 2am in the morning with a hot cup of tea and just watched out the window.
I heard a noise and looked behind to see Loki coming down.

"Y/N, I didn't expect to see you down here." He said as I smiled softly.

"I only need about 2 hours of rest a day so I usually get some things done during that time. Tonight I thought it would be nice to just sit and watch. Would you like to join me?" I asked as he smiled, he looked exhausted.
Loki had only joined the team three weeks ago, obviously they had a rough past with him and it was taking him a while to fit in.
He nodded and sat beside me at the table as he looked out into the city.

"It's hard to get used to the time here, in Asgard the days are so much longer." He said as I nodded.

"I suppose it's a bit like jet lag." I replied making him look at me in confusion.

"Oh right, you probably wouldn't use that on Asgard." I said chuckling softly.

"I feel like I've barely gotten to know you. I mean you're the one person here that doesn't look at me with disgust, fear or pity." He whispered as I looked at him sadly.

"I've been around for quite sometime Loki, one thing I've learnt is that people deserve a chance to change." I replied as he chuckled.

"You say that as if you've been around longer than 100 years, but I know for a fact that midgardians do not live that long." He said, now it was my turn to chuckle.

"Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm not Midgardian. I've been around for quite some time now." I replied making him look at me in shock.

"Forgive me but you look so young." He said as I chuckled softly.

"Well, I was formed this way and I'll never age. I suppose that's one benefit. But there is something magical about ageing, especially if there's someone beside you through it. Did you leave anyone special behind on Asgard?" I asked as he looked out into the city once more.

"No, there wasn't anyone there worth staying for. I suppose I never really thought about being with someone for that long. What about you?" He asked as I smiled softly.

"I've loved, but it's hard to love when there's no future. They'll grow old and I'll...stay like this." I whispered making him look at me sadly.

"Immortality must be lonely." He said said as I smiled and nodded.

"It sure it. But it allows me to have wonderful experiences, wonderful families and friends and wonderful moments, just like this one." I whispered looked out into the city as it began to rain.

"I'm sure you've seen so many wonderful things, I don't know how this conversation could match up to any other moments." He said as I laughed a little.

"Well, let's just say that it's been an awfully long time since I've just sat and talk. Since I've had any kind of..." I trailed off as Loki looked at me.

"Peace." He replied in a whisper making me smile.


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