Matt/Daredevil - Tilted

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(He/Him pronouns used in this one)

You couldn't hear anything, everything was so silent and comfortable.
That can't be right.
You shot up in a bed you weren't familiar with and looked to see yourself in a fancy looking prison cell.

"That explains it." You muttered rubbing your head as you groaned.
You tried your best to remember what had happened.
All you remembered was having a rough day, really fucking rough, so you went out for a drink.
Maybe one too many.

"Shit, what the fuck did I do this time?" You grumbled placing your hands on your head.

"Quite the criminal record you've got there." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a middle aged dark haired man in a police uniform.

"Okay, that explains why the cell." You muttered under your breath as another officer came into view.

"Is someone going to explain any of this or are we just going to keep staring at each other?" You asked standing up walking up to the front so you could face them.

"You don't remember why you're here?" The brunette asked as I scoffed.

"I don't know if you get the whole concept of being drunk." You replied making him roll his eyes.

"This is no time to joke. You killed ten people last night." He growled back as you tried to hide your shock and shame.
You weren't like that anymore, it had been years since you'd lost control.
Surely this wasn't you.

"Maybe I was drunk but I wouldn't kill people." You retorted as they looked up at you, you knew they weren't buying it.

"But you did, in the past. Pretty big criminal record you have there." The other said as you groaned softly.

"Yeah and I served my fucking time for that. I wouldn't...I couldn't have done this, I know myself." You said in your defence as they looked at you.

"Well, all the evidence is against you. So unless you've got a lawyer, it's back to..." You cut him off before he could continue.

"I do have a lawyer. Let me call him." You growled as they both looked at you in shock.
The cop pulled out a shitty old phone and put it into the cell as you quickly grabbed it.
You hadn't spoken in years and he probably hated you for the way things ended, but he was your only hope.

"Hello?" A voice came through making you sigh in relief.

"Matt, I need your help." You said softly into the phone, your sentence was followed by silence.

"What did you do?" He replied as you sighed again.

"I didn't do anything, they think I killed ten people. I know I didn't, please I really need your help. If I'm guilty, you know where they'll send me." You replied with a hint of fear in your voice.

"Fine, don't say anything until I get there. Where are you?" He asked, you were a little hesitant to reply.

"The 15th precinct." You replied hearing him groan.

"Jesus Y/N. Hang tight, I'll be there as fast as I can."

You sat in the cell and closed your eyes trying your best to remember, but nothing came to you.
You heard a noise and looked up to see a detective unlocking the door.

"Your lawyer's here." He grumbled as you nodded and stood up.
He handcuffed you and led you into an interrogation room where you saw Matt waited.
Seeing him made you nervous but it also put you at ease.

"Y/N." He muttered as the detective made you sit down beside him.

"Well, this will be fun won't it? An underfunded lawyer and a criminal with a record longer then a CVS receipt." The detective grumbled making you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, well maybe if you..." You were about to say before Matt stopped you.

"Don't." He warned as you groaned.

"Alright, let's start with the evidence."

After a gruelling two hours of interrogations and many photos of dead bodies none of your memory had returned.

"You found Y/N at the centre of a mass murder in a club last night, he was unconscious on he floor with a gun in his hand. The only finger prints were his. Have you done a drug test?" Matt asked as he looked at the detective.

"My client specifically stated that he only remembers having one drink and then the rest of the night goes blank. Testing for any kind of drug is a must in this situation, my client could have been drugged and someone has made it look like he was the murderer." Matt said as the detective groaned.

"Y/N is a known criminal, this is an open and close case." He returned as you glared at him.
Matt began to stand up as you looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sure your superiors would be happy to hear that you had no extra evidence for..."

"Alright! Fine, we'll do the test."

After several blood tests, the results came back with indications you had been drugged.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Matt muttered as you sighed.

"Yeah, we know who did this." You grumbled.
You knew it was Don, he was a possessive, evil scumbag.
He had an obsession with you and if you were to ever go back to prison you would be his again, with no escape.
You knew Matt would sense the rise in your heartbeat.

"We'll get him Y/N. I won't let you go back there." Matt said making me smile softly.

"So, what's the plan?"

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