Male reader x Avengers

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(What up it's ya boy urghhh. I'm not as good as Nova I'm sure but bare with me you biscuits. I'm one of her alters, me name isth Apollo, biscuits. I'm a he/him whore)

I stumbled my way through the city trying to get my suit jacket on. I had to head to another fucking job interview. This city fucking sucked, yeah I was an alien and shit but at least I looked human. I didn't have any birth certificates or any kind of record of me being human because well I wasn't human.
Didn't mean I don't need a job to fucking live like all these useless humans.
I was about to run into the shop I was interviewing for when there was a large explosion sending me flying through the glass window.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I screamed out seeing a glass shard in my arm as I groaned and ripped it out.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked looking around seeing people with just minor scratches and cuts. I headed out to see The Avengers already on the scene.
Fucking Avengers, they sucked too.
I saw other alien looking creatures attacking the city as I rolled my eyes. They really do give us a bad name.

"This isn't my fight. Right? I shouldn't go fight, surely." I muttered rubbing the back of my head. I mean, I could definitely help.

"Argh fuck it, it'll be my good deed of the day." I muttered as the cut on my arm stitched up and healed by itself.
I ran towards the fight in my shitty suit and began escorting innocent humans out of the way. I could summon an energy force field so I could easily get them a way out.
A few of them were screaming as I rolled my eyes.

"Just keep moving for fuck sakes!" I shouted making them run out of the way. I retracted the energy field before I felt pain in my back and looked behind me to see one of the monster aliens had cut my back with it's sharp nails.
I grit my teeth together and summoned my sword before slicing it's head off, it's green blood splattering all over me.

"Are you serious!?" I shouted in anger before I gave up and let my true form show. I had large black horns on my head, black eyes, iridescent scales on my skin and a tail similar to a lizards.

"Now you've really pissed me off!" I growled attacking the aliens and ripping them apart in anger. It's really easy to piss me off.
I had killed quiet a few, my suit completely torn off as I panted and fell to my knees in exhaustion.

"Alright, that's enough." I heard a voice say as I looked up to see Ironman.

"A thank you would be fucking nice." I growled as his helmet retracted and he looked at me in shock.

"You can talk?" He said making me roll my eyes and groan.

"I'm not one of them! I saw the commotion, helped the stupid humans and then one stabbed me so I took that personally." I said as he looked at me awkwardly.

"So, you're not here to kill us?" He said as I rolled my eyes again.

"No, Tony. I'm not here to kill you, I was just going for an interview and decided oh I have powers I could probs help the humans not die. Also you're welcome." I muttered slowly shifting back into my human form.

"Yeah, well I think we need to take you back to the tower. I don't know what threat you could be." Tony said as I groaned again and fell onto my side.

"That's fucking racist." I groaned before passing out slowly.

"What the hell just happened?" Tony muttered.


My body felt like it was slowly giving up. I opened my eyes seeing white around me and I noticed I was in a glass cell.
But hey at least the bed was mostly comfortable.

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