Tony/Stephen - Seer

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(This involves Tony x Strange so if you don't like it please take a flyer and the door is to your right. Set in like medieval knights and witches kinda time, like Merlin time)

All I felt was warmth all around me, but it wasn't a welcoming warmth. It burnt, I could feel pain all over my body. All I could hear was muffled screams of fear and agony.
It continued for what felt like eternity, soon the sun had risen and the fires had gone out.
All of the screams had stopped, it was completely silent.
I lay there in the dirt breathing slowly, I couldn't move, I didn't want to either.

"Strange! I think she's alive!" I heard a voice shout as I opened my eyes to see black dirty boots in front of me.
Suddenly another pair joined his and I felt cold fingers press against my neck.

"She's alive, only one left. We'll have to get her out of here." The stranger said as I felt him pick him up in his arms.
I must've let out a noise of discomfort because the brown and grey haired man looked down at me and smiled.

"It's alright, we're going to get you out of here." He said before the world turned black once more.

The next time I awoke I didn't feel any pain, I didn't feel anything in my body.
I opened my eyes to see the same man from before. His hands were glowing orange as he looked down at me.

"I don't think smoke or fire turns eyes completely white." He muttered looking into my white voided eyes.

"Tony." He called out as another man appeared and looked down at me.

"Maybe she's blind." Tony muttered as I blinked and looked up at him and slowly shook my head.

"Well, not blind. And also understanding us. Hi." Tony said as I nodded slowly.
The man that Tony had called Strange looked down at me and his hands stopped glowing.

"Alright, she should be stable now. Just rest now, we'll talk to you soon." He whispered placing his hand on my head making me fall unconscious again.

By the time I woke up again some of the pain in my body had returned.
I could feel whatever I was laying on was moving. I groaned and opened my eyes seeing I was in a small bed surrounded by wooden walls. It must've been a cart because I could feel I was moving.

"Hello?" I called out, I was afraid someone had kidnapped me.
Light streamed in and I looked above me to see someone had pulled back a small curtain.
I saw that it was Tony and the Strange man.

"Hey kid, good to see you awake. Sorry we had to keep moving, the kings men was closing in so we had to keep moving. We'll be stopping to set up camp soon." He informed me as I nodded slightly and sat up. I crawled out the small opening so I could sit between Tony and Strange. I looked down to see two black horses pulling the cart along.

"Why are you running from the king?" I asked in a small voice as Tony looked at me sadly.

"You mustn't have known. The King called for all magical beings to be killed, he thinks they're a threat. That's why your village was burnt down, and that's why we are running. While I might not be magical, Stephen is a-and so was our daughter." Tony said as I looked at him sadly.

"But, my kind as peaceful creatures. My village never hurt anyone." I whispered, Tony offered me a small smile.

"I know kid, but the King shows no mercy now. You're going to be safe with us." Tony reassured me before the cart stopped, I looked around seeing we were in a forest next to a small stream.

"This should be fine to set up camp for a few nights before we keep moving." Stephen said as Tony helped me down from the cart. I ran over to the stream and sat beside it running my hand through the water.
My visions hadn't return yet, but I was also relieved. With everything going on I didn't want to see anymore of the future or past.
I helped Tony and Stephen set up two small tents and helped them build a fire that would keep us warm during the night.
The sun was beginning to fall as I sat near the fire and watched the flames dance.

"You've lost a lot of people haven't you?" I whispered as Tony and Stephen sat across from me.

"We have, but so have you." Stephen said as I looked down sadly.
A vision flashed through my mind, it was a young girl with long black hair.

"Kara." I whispered as Tony and Stephen looked up at me in shock.

"What did you just say?" Tony asked as I looked up at them.

"Your daughter, Kara. She loved you very much, I saw her in my vision." I replied as they smiled sadly.

"Well, we loved her very much as well." Stephen replied as I smiled a little.

"After this where do we go? Is there anywhere safe?" I asked nervously.

"I have an old sorceress friend, she's built a safe place for people like us trying to flee to safety. When we get there we'll be safe." Stephen explained as I nodded.

"I'm sure we'll make it there." I whispered, I didn't want to tell them that I had seen what would happen.
I had seen that neither of them would make it, the only person who would arrive at the safe haven would be me.
Sometimes it's best to not know the future.

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