Avengers - Mistake

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(Steve is very fatherly in this because I started realising how I've never had a father figure and I kinda want that. Gore warning)

I was new to the Avengers, it was about my third big mission.
And I had fucked it up, I hadn't meant to. But I lost control of my emotions when I saw an old enemy from hydra.
I flew back to the tower with the team, the silence deafening. I couldn't stop from shaking, this was all my fault.

"I'm sorry." I whispered looking up seeing all of the team injured and bloodied.

"We'll talk about this when we get home Y/N." Steve said as I nodded and looked down staying quiet again.
The guilt was slowly killing me.
The thought of disappointing people hurt me, but the thought of disappointing Steve was much worse.
I closed my eyes and tried to stop myself from having a panic attack or crying.
We finally made it back to the tower and everyone went their seperate ways, everyone was ignoring me. I followed Steve into a meeting room and sat down across from where he stood.

"I never meant to put the team in danger." I whispered looking down at the white table.

"But you did Y/N. You almost had us all killed. I know you lose control, but I thought we were past this. You almost killed that Hydra agent and alerted the entire base of our position. Because of one mistake the whole team could've lost their lives." Steve scolded as I kept your eyes downcast.

"For now Tony and I have decided to not let you come on missions. And we'll be getting your therapist in every week now not just every two weeks." Steve said as my eyes shot up at him.

"That's not fair Steve! Bucky has lost control so many times and he's still an Avenger!" I shouted standing up as Steve looked at me sternly.

"Bucky stayed an Avenger because when he needed to take a break or have extra therapy he did and wouldn't complain about it. Y/N, we both know you're unstable and you need extra help. There's no shame in that, but we can't have you on the team if we know it's a liability. I want what's best for you Y/N, you know that." Steve said as I began to tear up.

"Y/N you're still young, I know it's hard to understand all of this. You need to work on your obedience and listening to me when in the field. Bucky and I will be helping you to train more. For the next month you're on lockdown in the tower, you can't leave until we've sorted all of this out." Steve said as I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Do you understand Y/N?" Steve asked as I looked up at him.

"I understand." I whispered trying my best to not cry.

"Head up to your room. I'll come get you for dinner tonight, I need to talk to the team." Steve said as I nodded and quickly left the room. I ran into the elevator and broke down crying as soon as the doors closed.

"Fucking failure."

"You failed."

"Disgusting mistake."

I gripped my head and tried to ignore the voices in my head.
The doors opened and I ran out into my room and slammed the door much like the teenager I was acting like.
I ran to my bed and stayed under the covers crying until I passed out.
I woke up and looked at the clock seeing it was 7:30pm. I wiped my dried tears away and stumbled out of my room and downstairs.
I saw that it was deserted and just saw Peter on the couch watched tv and eating ramen.

"Peter?" I questioned coming down the stairs.

"Oh hey Y/N! The team went out for dinner, so I just grabbed some noodles and watched tv." He said as I felt my heart sink.

"Oh..." I muttered before sitting next to Peter on the couch.

"I heard what happened." Peter said as I looked beside at him.

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