Steve/Tony x reader

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(Evil Bucky)

Steve had gotten an odd letter.
It was from Bucky apparently.

"Steve, what's that?" Tony asked, walking up to Steve.

"I got a letter, it says it's from Bucky. I haven't seen him since he almost killed me." Steve muttered, surely it wasn't from Bucky.

"It says he wants me to come visit him. That he needs to apologise for somethings." He muttered as Tony looked over the letter.

"That surely can't be real." Tony muttered as Steve closed his eyes and sighed.

"Oh, it's definitely a trap. But maybe we should go check it out anyway. Get the team together." Tony suggested as Steve nodded.

"Hydra has to be behind this. Friday, call a team meeting."


"Oh, Y/N!" You heard Bucky sing out as you watched him enter his bedroom where you were cleaning.
You would've responded to him, but Bucky made sure a long time ago that you couldn't speak, wiring your jaw shut did the job.

"I have a friend coming over for dinner tonight, do you think you could be a wonderful girl for me and make dinner?" He asked, running his hand over your cheek as you smiled and nodded.

"Good girl."

Hours passed and you had cooked up a large dinner, Bucky said he wasn't sure how many people there would be.
You heard a knock at the door and made your way over to open it.
It was only Steve and Tony there, the rest of the team were positioned elsewhere.
You bowed to them and gestured for them to enter.

"Thank you." Steve said as you smiled and nodded.

"Well, there's the guests of the evening. Tony, I hope we can put out past behind us for this evening." Bucky said, walking up and shaking their hands.

"Bucky, it's really you." Steve muttered as Bucky smiled.

"Come on, punk. Would I ever lie to you?" Bucky said as Steve and Tony shared a glance.

"Come on in, my dear Y/N has made a lovely dinner." Bucky said as they followed him further into the mansion.
They saw a table set out for dinner.
Steve kept glancing at you, you tried your best to not look at him.
They all sat down and began to talk while you stood beside Bucky and did whatever he needed, like filling up his glass or dishing up for food.
Steve would still watch you closely every now and then.
Once they were finished with their meal you cleared the dishes.

"Do you mind if Tony and I talk for a moment?" Steve asked as Bucky smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I'll be in the kitchen helping Y/N." Bucky said, leaving them both.

"I've noticed a few things." Steve muttered as Tony looked at him in shock.

"A few? This entire place is a fucking red flag, Rogers." Tony growled making Steve sigh.

"There's something about Y/N. I haven't once seen her talk or even open her mouth. Something is seriously wrong here." Steve muttered as Tony groaned.

"I've watched horror movies, we probably just ate a person." Tony growled as Steve rubbed his head.

"Let's just see how this ends, we have provisions. I'm more worried about Y/N." Steve replied making Tony nod.
You and Bucky returned, you brought out some chocolate cake for them and more whiskey.

"Is Y/N your employee?" Tony asked as Bucky glared at him.

"Yes, she is if you must know." Bucky grumbled as Steve looked at him with suspicion.

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