Bucky/Loki - Betrayal

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(16 January 2022)

"Y/N, we have someone new joining the team. I didn't have time to explain cause of missions and all but come say hi!" Tony shouted bursting into your room before leaving again.

"Tony what the fuck!" You shouted groaning before you climbed out of your bed from where you were sketching.
You made your way downstairs to see all the team waiting around the elevator.

"Okay, before you came here there was this evil guy that caused problems. But apparently he's changed or some shit so he's joining the team cause he's Thor's brother." Tony explained as your eyes widened.

"Oh god, you're talking about..." You were cut off when the elevator opened. To reveal a dark haired man dressed in green.

"Loki!" You shouted out in anger running towards him as he gasped and teleported away.

"You mother fucker!" You screamed out as you ran back at him and he teleported away.

"Someone get this crazy woman away from me!" Loki shouted as Steve grabbed you.

"Y/N, calm down!" He shouted as you grit your teeth together and glared at him.

"I'm going to fucking murder you." You growled as the team looked at you in shock.

"Oh god. Y/N." Loki whispered finally realising who you were.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Tony asked as you broke free and tackled Loki to the ground.

"Y/N stop it!" He shouted pushing you off him and trapping you in his magic.

"Calm down, I can explain everything. Just give me a chance." He said as you glared up at him.

"Someone please tell us what the hell is going on with you two?" Steve said as you tried your best to calm down.

"He killed my family and my world." You growled as everyone looked at you and Loki in shock.

"I didn't kill them Y/N, they were destined to die. So were you. I couldn't save them, I know you can't understand that." He said as your hatred only grew.

"You left me to perish because of Sylvie." You growled at him as he looked away in shame.

"And what happened to the princess?" You growled on the floor still being trapped in his magic.

"She betrayed me." He muttered as you laughed dryly.

"You fucking deserve it." You whispered lowly.

"Loki, release Y/N. Y/N don't attack Loki, you can both sit down and explain all of this to us." Steve said as you nodded to him, Loki released you and you stood up and went over to the couch and sat beside Steve with the rest of the team spread out and Loki in front of you.

'Don't tell them about the TVA.' Loki said in your mind as you glared at him. He had no right to tell you what to do but you knew it was safer if they didn't know about it.

"Loki and I used to be together. He came into my world when he was tired of Asgard. My world was earth just in another universe." You said lying about why Loki came there knowing the truth was that Loki had come to your world to hide from the TVA.

"We met each other and realised we were quite similar. I told Loki about my powers and he told me about his. We eventually found solace in each other. So, we started to date. We dated for about two years until we realised we were more different then we'd realised. We agreed to stay friends and protect each other, we split on good terms." You explained looking away from Loki as the team listened.

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