Bucky / Broken Betrayal

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I didn’t envy him, not one bit.

It would make sense if I did, he escaped Hydra and I didn’t.

But, why would I hate him for that? He gets to be free, I always wanted to save him but never could, in the end he saved himself.

My father did everything he could to make me hate the Soldier, but I couldn’t.

I always loved him, I know my father hated that.

Maybe the soldier would come back to save me.

“Sweetheart!” I heard my father call out as I sat up in my small bed and looked through the bars on my ‘room.’

He opened the door and stepped inside.

“I have a very very special mission for you.” He said as he sat on my bed and smiled.

“Yes?” I asked, he reached forward and ran his thumb over my cheek.

“You’re lovely friend, the Soldier. His real name is Bucky, after he ran away from us he found his old friend Captain America. Now, he’s safe with he Avengers. You’re going to infiltrate them, gain trust with Bucky once again and bring him back to us. I know he’ll trust you.” He said as my eyes lit up, maybe it was selfish but this meant I would find Bucky again.

“It won’t be hard for you, will it darling? I know how much you want him back.” My father said as I nodded a little.

“I miss him.” I whispered making my father smile softly.

“That’s why this mission is so important, love. You need to get him back for me.”

I stood outside the Avengers tower as I did my best to keep my breathing steady.

I didn’t think I’d ever see him again.

I had a comm inserted deep into my ear, one that the Avengers wouldn’t be able to find.

I walked in to see a lot of security and a man at a desk.

I slowly walked up to him as the security watched me closely.

“Could you call Bucky down here?” I asked as the man chuckled.

“Lady, you can’t just walk in here expecting a signature from the Avengers.” He said as I glared at him.

“That’s not what I want, he’s my friend.” I continued, but the man ignored me.

I acted quickly and grabbed one of the guards guns and pointed it at the man, seeing him freak out.

“Fucking call him down here.” I growled as I looked to see the other security guards pointing their weapons at me.

“Fine! Jarvis, get Bucky Barnes down to the lobby. Tell him to be armed.” He said as I smiled triumphantly.

I couldn’t help but feel excited… and nervous.

It wasn’t under the best circumstances but I still got to see him.

I kept my gun pointed at the man until the elevator made a noise, I looked beside me to see Tony, Steve and Bucky all ready for action.

“Woah! What the hell is going on?” Tony yelled as he pointed his blaster at me.

My shoulders dropped as I looked at Bucky, he looked different. He’d cut off most of his hair.

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