Natasha - Pup

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(Hope you like it! I forgot who requested but I hope you love it! Werewolf reader x Nat)

You sat alone in a cold cell as you hugged your arms around yourself trying to find even a small bit of warmth.
You hadn't seen anyone for so long, now and then the small latch on your cell door would open and a dead rat was thrown in.
You were a werewolf but it didn't mean you were an actual dog or wanted to eat rats.
You'd lost count of how long you'd been here, you lost hope in escaping a long time ago.
You weren't even sure why they kept you here.
You noticed that everything went quiet suddenly, usually, you could hear small things like machinery or people talking but it was completely dead silent.
You stood up on your shaky feet and supported yourself against the wall.
You were sure you were about to die, but that's what you wanted.
The door was blasted open and you pressed yourself into the corner of the room, your body shaking from fear.

"You know I could've just picked the lock, you didn't have to blow it up." You heard a female voice say as you cautiously looked up to see a red-headed woman and a man beside her.

"Are you going to try and kill us?" The man asked still staying on guard as you shook your head.

"No." You whispered looking at them both.

"Let's get her back to the ship." The woman said as she came closer.

"Follow us, okay?" She asked as you nodded and slowly followed them out of the cold damp cell.
You steadied yourself on the walls, your legs too weak to support your body.

"Here." The woman said hooking her arm around your waist to help support you.

"I'm Nat, and that's Tony. Do you have a name?" She asked as you nodded a little.

"Y/N." You whispered in return as she smiled gently and continued onward.
You eventually made it to the exit and you saw the sun for the first time in so long.

"Where are we going?" You muttered sticking close to Nat.

"We have a jet up ahead, from there we're going to our base in America." She explained as you nodded.

"Will I be put in prison there as well?" You asked as they both looked at you sadly.

"No, no more prisons. Unless you murder someone." Tony said as you chuckled a little.

"It's okay, I might be a werewolf but I'm a vegetarian." You said as they looked at you in shock.

"You're a werewolf? I didn't think they were real." Tony said as Nat scoffed.

"Tony, we live with a mythological God," Nat said making you laugh again.

"Are vampires real?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes, but they only go out at night." You said as he nodded.

"Because of the sun right?" He said making you chuckle.

"No, that's just a myth. Vampires are anti-social so they don't go out during the day." You explained as Tony looked surprised but nodded.
You eventually made it to the jet and still stuck close to Nat, she didn't mind it though.

"We found a sole survivor, she's a werewolf." Tony said as multiple people looked at you.

"Hello." You muttered poking your head out from where you hid behind Nat.

"Now that's something we haven't had before." A man with long brunette hair said as you smiled a little and followed Nat in further.
You sat down beside her and strapped yourself in.

"Do you have anything to eat?" You whispered turning to Nat as she smiled.

"Rogers! Give me your power bar!" She shouted as the blonde-haired man chuckled and tossed it to her.

"It's not much but it's something." She said as you smiled and took it from her.

"Anything is better than dead rats." You muttered opening it as the team all looked at you than each other.
You quietly munched on the power bar as the jet took off.
You were surprised how easily they had accepted you, you would've thought they'd stabbed you by now.
After flying for about an hour Nat let you know that the jet was landing.
You were a bit nervous and couldn't stop your hands from shaking.

"You promise I won't go into a cell?" You whispered to Nat as she helped you up.

"You have my word, Y/N."


You'd made it inside of the Avengers 'base' and looked around in amazement.

"This is more like a castle than a base." You muttered making Tony and Nat chuckle.

"I need to do some background research on you, just so shield stays off our backs. I just need you up in my lab." Tony said as you nodded.

"Can Nat come?" You muttered making her smile softly.

"I'd be honoured to." She said as all three of you made your way into the elevator.

"You won't be using any needles will you?" You asked nervously as Tony turned to you.

"No, nothing like that." He reassured you as you nodded and smiled.
The doors opened and you followed them both into Tony's lab where a short brunette man was waiting.

"We have a lovely new guest, Bruce." Tony said as you smiled.

"And she's a werewolf." Nat said as Tony got you to sit on one of the beds.

"Do you need any medical attention, dear?" Bruce asked as you looked down at your bruised arms.

"Um, maybe. All I've eaten for a long time is rats and I'm pretty beat up." You muttered rubbing your hand over your arm.
Tony took a photo of you as you looked at him in shock and then Bruce came over to you and started examining your arms.

"Just no needles." Nat said as you nodded.

"That's okay, we shouldn't need any of that stuff. Maybe just some tablets to help with nutrition." Bruce said as you nodded and let him examine your old wounds.
He gently dabbed some liquid onto the wounds, making sure they were clean.

"Any other wounds, my dear?" He asked as you shook your head.

"Wonderful, I'll just go on the hunt for some medicine to help get your strength back up." He said smiling at you before leaving.

"Alright, from what I can see nothing is incriminating on your records." Tony said looking at a tablet.

"Where do I go now?" You asked softly as Tony looked up.

"Well, it's your choice. We'd be happy to have you here, but if you didn't want to I'd help you get set up elsewhere." Tony replied as you nodded.

"Well, staying in this castle wouldn't be the worst." You said making them both chuckle.

"Come on, I'll show you around."


After you'd gotten settled in the tower and Tony had set up a room for you, you fell into your bed for a much-needed rest.

Nat woke up around 4 am hearing crying, but it wasn't human.
She ran to your room and opened the door to see you in your wolf form crying and whimpering.

"Y/N, it's okay. It's just me." Nat said as you looked up at her and cowered away.
Nat took slow cautious steps towards you.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you. You're safe, I'm Nat remember?" She whispered going down on her knees as you slowly made your way towards her and nuzzled into your chest.

"Good girl, I'm right here. You're safe." She whispered gently petting your head before you pulled away and jumped up onto the bed staring at her.
She chuckled and climbed onto the bed onto her back and you immediately laid on top of her making Nat chuckle.

"Good night, pup."

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