Matt Murdock - Stitches

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You were sat alone in your large penthouse in Hell's Kitchen. You had family connection that made you very wealthy and safe in this city, anyone heard your last name and they wouldn't dare to even look in your direction.
You sat on your green velvet couch watching tv and sketching when you heard a loud bang and looked up to see the elevator opening. You quickly grabbed your gun and pointed it at the doors waiting to see who would appear.
It opened and Matt Murdock fell out in his usually black fighting outfit and covered in blood.

"Jesus Christ you idiot." You groaned dropping the gun and looking up at him.

"Need help." He whispered as you rolled your eyes and ran up to the elevator and quickly supported him before he fell onto the floor.

"You're an idiot." You groaned dragging him down the small stairs and getting him onto the couch, you didn't care if it got blood on it. It always did.

"S-Scold me later." He muttered gripping onto his bleeding torso.

"Let me get the medical supplies." You replied rushing to the kitchen and grabbing the giant medical bag you had hidden away.

"So, who the fuck did you go after this time?" You asked dumping the bag down and grabbing out the scissors, stitches and bandages.

"I thought I had a lead, well I did. But they jumped me before i could get any information. I had to kill them." He grumbled as you cut the fabric away before beginning to clean the wound.

"Ever heard of taking a break? How's Karen? I know she's settling in with you guys but working with you isn't exactly easy and surely she's catching onto you. She's a smart girl." You muttered away stitching up the wound.

"Can we talk a-after you fix me?" He groaned making you chuckle lightly.

"Sure, you can talk after. But I'm going to keep talking." You said making him chuckle lightly, you continued talking and mumbling about your life and what you had been up to.
You didn't even realise Matt had passed out.

"You're so rude." You grumbled beginning to bandage the wound up.

"Get some rest." You whispered before grabbing a glass of water and pain killers for when he wakes up.
You sat on the couch beside him and went back to sketching, you knew you needed to stay close.


Two hours had passed and you were curled up on the couch watching tv before Matt shot up and screamed out.
You instantly rushed to his side and tried to calm him down.

"Where am I?" He groaned out, you could see he was panicked.

"Matt, you're in my apartment. It's Y/N, you were hurt so you came here. You're safe I promise." You whispered holding onto his hand and pressing it to your chest so he could focus in on the sound of your heartbeat better.
He took in a deep breath and began to calm down as you smiled.

"Y/N." He whispered fully waking up and calming down.

"I'm right here." You whispered making him smile softly.

"Thank you." He replied as you chuckled and let him listen to your heartbeat a bit longer.

"Got any food in this shit hole?" He asked making you laugh again as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen.

"I have left over pasta I made." You said as he smiled.

"You're cooking will always help." He replied as you warmed up some pasta in a bowl and came back to him giving him the bowl.
You gently ran a hand over a bruise on his cheek and sighed.

"Need me to stitch up your outfit? Once again, you need a suit like a real hero." You said as he chuckled and began to eat.

"But I'm not a hero." He said as you rolled your eyes playfully.
There was something about Matt's voice that made you feel so at ease, it was just so soft and calm.

"Are you okay? Your heartbeat picked up." He whispered snapping you out of your thoughts as you chuckled.

"I was thinking about how much I love your voice." You replied making him smile softly, you couldn't lie to Matt but you also didn't want to lie to him.

"I've got to say, my voice is the last thing women compliment about me." He said as you scoffed and laughed.

"That's not what I meant! I was going to say my beautiful eyes but alright." He joked making you laugh even more.

"You're such an idiot." You grumbled before he held onto one of your hands.

"Thank you for helping me. And of course being there for me for longer than I can remember." He whispered as you looked at him and took in his soft features. You leant in slowly and you knew Matt would know where you were going with this. Just before your lips touched you were interrupted.

"Y/N! Let me up! The security guard says I look homeless but I assured him we're friends! I know Matt is there too! I got Chinese!" Foggy's voice came through the intercom as you both burst out laughing.

"He really knows when to interrupt doesn't he?"

(Lil short wholesome one, yes there will be more Matt Murdock ones to come)

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