Stucky/Reader - Shave

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(Just a lil short one, trigger warning past self harm)

I entered my bedroom, well my shared bedroom with Bucky and Steve.

"Shit!" I heard Bucky curse as I ran into the bathroom to see him trying to shave his face.

"I can't fucking shave with these modern razors. In Hydra they just made me use a blade so I got used to it." He grumbled seeing me enter as I chuckled softly.

"Sit down on the chair out here, I think I have a shaving blade somewhere. I can help." I said as he looked at me sceptically.

"Just trust me loser." I said making him chuckle, I went into the bathroom and dug through my stuff until I found the blade.
I grabbed Bucky's shaving cream he already had out before going back into the bedroom.
I sat them on the desk behind him before I sat on his lap so I could be steady and closer.

"Okay, stay still or you'll bleed a lot more than you already are." I said as I applied more shaving cream to his face.
He stayed still as I held the blade under his chin and began to cut away the short hairs.
Steve came in and sat on the bed as he watched us.

"Didn't realise you were that lazy punk." Steve said making you chuckle as you quickly took the blade away knowing Bucky would chuckle too.

"Shh, don't make us laugh. I might accidentally cut him." I said to Steve making him chuckle as well.

"Alright, I'll stay quiet." He said as I concentrated on shaving Bucky's face.
After a few careful minutes I was done and helped wipe away the extra shaving cream.
Bucky looked in the mirror on the desk and felt his face.

"Wow, you're really good at that. Where'd you learn to shave like that? I would hope you didn't learn it on yourself." Bucky said making me chuckle softly.

"No, not on myself. I used to shave my Father's face for him." I replied, my smile fall as Bucky and Steve looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry doll, I didn't mean to bring it up." Bucky whispered as I smiled again.

"It's okay, I can't just avoid those memories forever or never mention him." I replied as Bucky hugged me gently.
Bucky went to go clean his face so I straddled Steve's legs on the bed and hugged him tightly.

"Y/N, you don't have to answer this. But, if you had to shave your father's face with a blade, couldn't you just of killed him right there and then with it?" Steve questioned as I held onto him.

"I could've." I whispered, that thought never even entered my mind. Bucky spoke for me luckily.

"When someone is that good at abuse and manipulation you don't even think about escaping. They make sure it's not even an option inside your mind." Bucky said as I closed my eyes and stayed in Steve's arms.

"Exactly." I whispered as Steve ran his hand over my back.

"I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have brought it up." Steve whispered as I sat up and smiled kissing him softly.

"It's okay, I want to be open with both of you." I responded before I stood up and stretched. Bucky sat beside Steve as I grabbed the blade to put it away.

"You remember our game don't you?" A memory of a voice whispered in my mind as I looked down at the blade.
I looked at the scars up my arm, the scars father had watched me give myself and praised me for after.

"Doll?" I heard Bucky say as I looked behind me at them both.

"Sorry, just lost in thought." I responded as Steve stood up and gently took the blade away from my hand.

"I'll put it away." He said smiling as I nodded.
Bucky stood up and held onto my hands gently.

"He isn't here." Bucky whispered reaching up to hold my cheek gently.
He kissed my forehead making me smile softly.

"We've got you okay?" Bucky said as I felt Steve hug me from behind.

"I love you both."

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