Bucky - Dancing with your corpse

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You dreamt shout him every night, every night since he fell of that God for Saken train.
The dream was the same every night, Bucky would be in his military uniform, his face pale and void of life.
His dead hand would wrap around your waist and you would dance in a dark ballroom where other corpses lay.
But tonight was different, for the first time in 70 years the dream changed.
His hand was still cold around your waist, but not because he was dead, because it was...metal?
You gasped and woke up in your bed, it was 5am and you knew Steve would be awake.
You threw you covers off and ran as fast as you could down to the the training rooms.
Steve was doing his usual routine.

"Steve!" You screamed as he looked over in shock.

"Y/N! Doll, what's wrong?" He asked rushing over to you.

"It's Bucky!" You shouted as he looked at you in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked as you tried to catch your breath.

"It was the same dream like always, b-but..." You muttered as you struggled for words.

"It's okay, Y/N." He whispered as you looked up at him.

"It was him, it was Bucky but...he had a metal arm, with a star." You whispered, looking into Steve's eyes.
He looked like he was in shock.

"Maybe it was just a dream." Steve muttered as you felt tears in your eyes.

"No, it was real. I could feel him, he was so scared." You said as Steve reached up and gently wiped away your tears.

"It's okay, darling. We'll figure this out. Let's go have breakfast."


You sat with Steve at the breakfast table and looked down at your cereal.

"What if he is the winter soldier? Maybe he didn't die." You whispered as Steve looked at you sadly.

"Doll, he couldn't have survived that fall. There's no way it could be him, I think it was just a dream and nothing more." He replied as you rested your head in your hands.

"It felt so real, Steve. I've never felt so sure about something." You whispered, picturing his face over and over.

"Why don't we watch a movie? Maybe that'll help." Steve said as you smiled and nodded.

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea."


You'd fallen asleep on Steve's shoulder wh the movie played.
You found yourself within the same dream like always, but it was different again.
You weren't dancing and Bucky was no where to be seen.
You could hear someone mumbling in a language you didn't understand.

"Is someone there?" You called out as the mumbling stopped.
You walked forward through the ballroom and saw the man from before presses against a wall with his knees to his chest.
You walked forward and knelt down to look at his sweat covered face.

"Bucky?" You whispered as he looked at you with confusion.

"What? Who's Bucky?" He whispered as you looked at him sadly.

"Youre the winter soldier, aren't you?" You asked as he closed his eyes tightly.

"I don't want to, I don't want to hurt all those people." He whispered as he began to cry.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just us here, we're in a dream so there's no reason to be afraid." You said as he looked up at you with vulnerable eyes.

"You're always in my dreams, who are you?" He whispered as you offered him a comforting smile.

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