Loki - Burn

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Your head hurt so much, you felt like someone had hit you with a truck, or even a train.
King Loki had a wild party last night, you were surprised he let you mix with others without his supervision.
Usually he kept you on a pretty short leash.
You groaned and felt a hand on your head.

"Good morning, miss Y/N." Arvid said making you smile.
Arvid was Loki's servant, that makes it sound bad but Loki treated Arvid well. Paid him, gave him a place to live and food to eat.
When your father died Loki took you in because Odin and your father used to be good friends. You did your best to help around the castle but he insisted that you didn't need to.

"What happened?" You muttered as Arvid helped you sit up.

"I think you had a bit too much to drink, love." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"B-But I don't drink ale and I didn't drink any last night." You whispered as Arvid looked back at you with the same confusion.

"Are you sure? I found you passed out in the study." He said as you looked at him in fear.

"Would someone have drugged me?" You whispered in fear, Arvid leant in and hugged you softly before you cried out in pain.

"Love? What is it?" He asked in a panic as you felt tears in your eyes.

"My back, it hurts." You whispered trying to hold your tears back.
Arvid got you to turn around a little and gently lifted up your shirt.
His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat.

"A-Arvid?" You asked as he placed your shirt back down.

"It's okay, love. We'll sort this out. Someone has burnt the word traitor into your back." He whispered as you looked at him in shock.

"Let's go talk to Master Loki, okay?" Arvid said helping you to stand up.
He kept an arm around you, placed a coat around your shoulders and walked you out of your room.
You eventually made it to the dining room where Loki was sitting having breakfast like usual.

"Y/N, I didn't expect to see you awake until this afternoon, Arvid told me you had a bit too much to drink." Loki said in a playful voice.
You looked at him nervously.

"W-Well, that's the thing Sir. Y/N didn't drink last night." Arvid said as Loki looked at you both in confusion.

"I found this on her back this morning." Arvid continued before you turned around and he lifted your shirt up.
The silence was deafening, you didn't know what he would be thinking.
Arvid put your shirt back down and you turned around to see Loki standing up. You could see he was seething.

"M-Maybe, maybe I just made someone angry by accident." You whispered as Loki came over to you, he gently held your face in his hand as you looked up at him.

"This wasn't your fault. Someone is trying to send a message and they used you to do it. It'll be alright. Arvid, take her to the healers and get this looked after. I'm going to go talk to some people." Loki growled before he kissed your forehead and left.
Arvid took your arm once more and helped you out of the room.
You followed him down the long hallways until you reached the healers room.
They gave you an elixir that would clear the drug from your system and then saw to your back.

"The best we can do is making sure it's taken care of and heals well. But the scar will always be there." One of the healers said as you sighed and nodded.

"T-That's okay, I suppose that's to be expected. I hope Master Loki won't be angry." You muttered as you held onto Arvid's hand while they treated your back.

"Miss Y/N, he could never be angry with you. Definitely not if you were hurt." Arvid reassured you making you smile softly.
Once you finished at the healers and they had bandaged you up you met with Loki in the dining hall where he had food prepared for you.

"Come sit down, love." He said as he pulled out a chair for you.
You sat down and smiled softly.

"Thank you, your majesty." You replied as he chuckled.

"Please, love. You can just call me Loki." He responded making you smile.

"I apologise, it's a force of habit." You replied as he looked at you sadly.

"I talked to a lot of people at the party last night, nothing led me to the criminals that hurt you. But, I promise I'll do everything I can to find them and punish them." He said making you blush slightly.

"Thank you, Loki."

(I'm so sorry if my writing seems bad lately. I'm just finishing a few old fics and trying to get things finished. Sorry again)

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