Bucky - The Pheonix

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You had been with the Avengers for two years now. They knew you had powers but they didn't completely know everything or even what you truly were.
Some part of you knew they were better off not knowing the whole truth.

"Do we have to go on this mission today? Can't we just stay back and cuddle?" You whined laying on your bed as Bucky got ready.
He chuckled and climbed onto the bed kissing your forehead.

"You know we have to go doll, plus we can always split off from the team and make out somewhere." He said smirking as you chuckled and let him help you up.

"Fine, we can go." You muttered as you began to get ready.
Once you were both ready for the mission you met the town on the roof where the jet was.

"Alright, this mission shouldn't be too hard. We're just collecting some information from an old Hydra base. But they're may be dangers we don't know about. That's why I'm bringing all of you. Buck, let someone know if it gets too much for you. We don't want the soldier coming out." Steve said as Bucky nodded, looking a little ashamed. You held onto his hand and offered him a soft smile.
You all piled into the jet and began your way to the Hydra base.

"Y/N and Bucky I want you two to stay together the whole time. I know you both trust each other and Y/N know's how to help Buck." Steve said sitting beside you as you nodded.

"Of course Steve."


You'd made it to the base and you and Bucky and split off to gather intel. Bucky pulled you into a corner and smiled.

"Didn't I promise you something if you came on the mission?" He whispered kissing your lips softly as you smiled and kissed him back.

"I would hate the ruin such a lovely moment." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a strange man with a Hydra outfit on.
You summoned your sword and pointed it at the man.

"Who the hell are you?" You growled as Bucky kept his hand on his gun.

"Oh dear you don't need to know that, but I know all about you dear. How's your father by the way?" He asked as your eyes widened.

"Y/N?" Bucky asked seeing you freeze.

"I guess she hasn't told you everything has she?" The man said pulling out a gun and shooting you in the chest.

"No!" Bucky screamed catching you as the man ran off.

"I'm sorry." You whispered shaking in pain.

"Y/N, hey it's okay. You're going to be alright." Bucky whispered holding you in his arms. You knew you were dying.

"Bucky, I won't make it back to he tower. But-

"Y/N, no it's okay we'll get you back to the tower. You'll be fine." Bucky whispered with tears in his eyes as you looked up at him.

"Bucky it's okay, everything will be okay. I promise, p-please." You whispered as he cried.

"Team! Y/N is down!" He shouted into his comms as you groaned.
Soon Steve came running in to see you.

"I-I need you both to listen to me, everything will be o-okay." You whispered feeling yourself beginning to slip.

"Y/N, come on stay with me." Bucky whispered as you groaned and looked up at him.

"I n-need to tell you something, I-I will...I-I
You tried to get the words out but you were too late, you breathed your last breath and you died in Bucky's arms as he screamed.

"Y/N! No please, Y/N!" He screamed holding your body close. Suddenly your body began to turn to dust as the two men watched in shock.

"Steve, what's happening?" Bucky whispered looking to his best friend for answers.

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