Steve - Comfort

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(just having a really hard time lately and some Steve love helps, I'm writing on my phone cause I can't be bothered getting out my laptop so excuse me if there's mistakes)
(Trigger warning for self harm!
Gonna add in a daddy kink cause I'm weird and it somehow helps me don't judge me I need this)

You sit on the cold bedroom floor as you cry, blood dripping down your thighs from the various cuts you'd given yourself.
The team had decided to go out for dinner to a nice place but you were in no condition to leave the tower so you stayed behind. But you broke down and being all alone made you realise how much you were hiding around the team.
You were sobbing as you held onto your head, you felt so alone.

Steve was out at dinner talking to the team when he heard his phone ring and looked down to see you were calling. He excused himself and went outside to answer it.

"Hey doll, everything okay?" He asked as he heard your raggered breaths and cries of pain.

"Y/N , what's wrong? Talk to me." He said as you clutched the phone and cried.

"C-Come back Steve, please. I need you." You whispered covering your mouth.

"I'm on my way." He said running in and grabbing his coat quickly texting Tony that he needed to go.
He got a taxi back to the tower and ran up to your room to hear you sobbing. He opened the door to see you covered in blood.

"Steve." You whispered helplessly as she knelt beside you and held your face softly.

"Darling, hey it's okay. I'm right here." He whispered as you cried, he helped you up off the floor and sat you on the bed.

"Stay here doll, I'll go get what I need." He said rushing to the bathroom and grabbing the med kit, he sat beside you on the bed and patted his lap.

"Come here angel." He said as you slowly sat sideways on his lap and buried your head on his neck.
He brought out the med kit and started wiping away the blood.

"Babygirl this'll hurt a bit, but I need you to be strong for me." He whispered beginning to bad alchol onto it to clean it as you whimpered.

"I'm sorry daddy." You whispered as he cleaned the cuts.
You and Steve weren't together, but you had told him everything about you and your past. He knew when you were like this you just wanted him to be your daddy and take care of you.
He didn't mind it, he liked being able to take care of you and liked that you trusted him this much.

"Shhh angel, you've done nothing wrong my precious girl." He whispered kissing your cheek as he brought out bandages.

"You've been so brave for me angel, such a brave girl for daddy." He whispered as you closed your eyes, your body relaxing hearing his praises.
He finished bandaging it all up and helped you lay down as you sniffled softly. He laid beside you and pulled you into his chest.

"I've got you darling, I'm right here." He whispered as you buried your head in his chest.

"Do you want to sleep babydoll?" He asked as you nodded and whined a little. He ran his hand through your hair softly.

"Sleep angel, I'll be right here."


You woke up the next morning alone in your bed as your memory slowly returned.

"Steve?" You whispered out seeing he was no where to be found.
You looked down to see your thighs bandaged up as tears came to your eyes.
The door opened and you looked up to see Steve with some breakfast and a glass of water.

"Hey sweetie." He said as you turned away from him.

"Darlin' you need to eat something for you. Can you do that for daddy?" He asked knowing you needed to be treated like this right now. You turned back around and slowly sat up and looked at him.

"I ruined your night." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"No you don't Y/N, you know I'm here for you no matter what." He whispered holding up a glass of water and helping you take a sip.

"What triggered you to start hurting yourself babydoll?" Steve asked as you started slowly eating the food, Steve ran his hand through your hair as you looked up at him.

"I-I kept hearing my father's voice, saying I needed to hurt. I needed to be punished, something clouded over my mind and I just needed to listen and obey and bleed." You whispered as he nodded in understanding.

"You were so good for calling me, you did so well." He whispered in response as you closed your eyes and felt his hand in your hair enjoying his praises.

"You're my good girl darling." Steve said leaning forward to kiss your forehead.

"I'm gonna stay by your side from now on Y/N, I'm never leaving again."

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