Evil Avengers

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There were small things about the Avengers that made you question if they were truly good, or truly heroes.
But still, they had taken you in and given you a safe place to live after Hydra.
A warm bed, a bathroom, food and they even gave you affection.
You sat in your bed randomly sketching in your art book.
A face came into your mind, you didn't know who he was, just that he wore a black mask over his mouth and had a scar over his left eye.
You kept sketching until you heard your door open and looked up to see Tony.

"Hey, kid. What are you up to?" He asked as you smiled.

"Just sketching a bit." You replied making him nod, he sat on the side of your bed and watched you focus on your drawing.

"I'm having a bit of a dinner party tonight and I need you to stay up here while everyone is about. Will that be okay? I'll make sure someone comes up to give you some dinner." He said as you nodded.
You didn't get out of your room much anyway if you were being honest, but you didn't mind it.

"Yeah, I don't mind. I can continued drawing or watch some movies. Can I have snacks?" You asked making him chuckle softly.

"Of course. Come down stairs and pick some stuff out now." He said standing up as you closed your sketchbook and followed him happily out of the room.
You practically ran downstairs and began reading the pantry.

"I'm guessing she's okay with staying in her room." Steve asked watching you with amusement.

"Oh she's definitely okay with it. Like a little puppy, as long as she has snacks and entertainment she'll be obedient." Tony said making Steve chuckle softly.

"She's settled in perfectly."

You were up in your room binging on snacks and movies when you heard a noise in the bathroom.
You put down your food and walked into the bathroom to see there was nothing there.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say as you jumped and turned around.
And there he was, the man you had drawn.

"They don't care about you." He said as you backed up against the wall.

"W-What? Who are you?" You whispered as he came closer slowly, like an animal stalking its prey.

"They're just using you. They aren't what they seem." He said coming even closer, now an inch away from your face.

"The Avengers are evil, Y/N." He said as you looked up into his blue eyes.

"Steve!" You screamed out before everything went black.

"Y/N!?" You heard Steve say as you jolted up in your bed.

"Steve?" You whispered looking around.

"You were calling out for me in your sleep, doll." Steve said as you slowly caught your breath.

"I was...there was a man in my room." You said as Steve tucked a piece of hair away from your face.

"No one was in your room, sweetheart. You were having a bad dream." Steve said as you shook your head.

"No, n-no it was real. He was here." You said as Steve sighed. His eyes landed on your drawing as he looked at it with confusion.

"What's this?" He asked picking it up as you looked at him.

"J-Just a random sketch, b-but he was the guy that just showed up in my room." You whispered as Steve looked at you angrily.
He reached up and grabbed your hair as you gasped and looked at him.

"Tell me how you know him." He growled as you felt tears in your eyes.

"Steve, you're hurting me." You whispered as he glared into your eyes.

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