Yandere Winter Soldier

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(I kinda went wild with this towards to end, so warning it's kinda kinky)

Every night was the same, you would wake up hearing him scream and cry, he would wake up and think you were the enemy and you would always be left with bruises.
But it slowly became normal to you, the routine of waking up and trying to calm him down, waking up the next morning to him already gone.
Living with an ex-hydra agent wasn't exactly easy, and maybe 'living' was a stretch.
It was mainly surviving.
You sat on the old beat-up couch, watching TV on the shitty 2001 television.
You were constantly covered in bruises and bandages, in his right mind, he would never beat you.
You liked to think Bucky had two completely different people inside of him, it was Bucky and the Soldier.
Bucky was soft, sad and usually felt guilty, but the soldier was relentless, unforgiving and possessive.
Surely they had to be two different people.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the front door open.
You looked up to see Bucky carrying grocery bags, you quickly got up and helped him to the kitchen.
Bucky was usually pretty quiet unless you disobeyed and the soldier came out.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." Bucky whispered while you unpacked the groceries.
You stopped and looked over to see him looking at the ground guiltily.

"It's okay, I know you don't mean it. You have nightmares and sometimes the soldier comes out and needs to take out some anger." You said walking up to him and gently taking his hand and playing with it subconsciously, running your hands over the veins and scars.

"You're too good to me, doll. What would I do without you?" He whispered reaching up with his metal hand to rub his thumb over the cut on your lip.

"Did you treat these wounds?" He asked as you looked up at him.

"Yeah, the soldier treated them last night." You replied making him nod.
You learnt pretty early on that Bucky never let you refer to him and the winter soldier as the same person.

"Did you have a good day?" You asked in a quiet voice as he smiled softly.

"It was average, but it's better now with you here." He replied, kissing your forehead making you smile.

"I'm just going to have a shower, just go back to watching TV." He said as you nodded and headed back to the couch.
You sat on the couch again and watched the mindless show that played on the TV.
After a few minutes Bucky returned, you felt him run a finger along your neck making you shiver.

"Do you want to take a nap with me?" He asked as you stiffened.
You knew that meant more bruising.

"Y-Yeah." You muttered cautiously standing up.
You followed him into the bedroom and waited for him to lie down.
When he did you crawled onto the bed and laid on top of him like you usually did.

"Darling, if the soldier wakes up. Run and lock yourself in the bathroom okay?" He said, playing with your hair as you nodded.

"I love you, Y/N." He whispered, kissing your forehead softly.

"I love you too."


The inevitable happened and you woke up feeling his metal hand gripping your arm.

"Soldier, soldier it's okay." You whispered as his eyes opened and he looked at you.

"Pet." He growled releasing your arm.
His hand went up to your hair and gripped it roughly.

"Good to see you." He whispered smiling a little as you quickly jumped off him and ran for the bathroom.

"Oh, are we playing tag, baby?" He said, his voice laced with malice.
You slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it before backing away and sitting in the bathtub.

"Oh, come on, Dove. You really think this door will hold me back?" He asked as you hugged your knees to your chest.

"Bucky told me to, he doesn't want you hurting me!" You shouted out as you heard him chuckle.

"Bucky is weak, darlin'. You know I can take much better care of you." He said as you slowly stood up.

"If I unlock the door, can you promise to not hurt me?" You muttered resting your hand on the door handle.

"I promise, sweet Dove." He whispered as you slowly opened the door and looked at him.

"See? Was that so hard?" He whispered running his hand over your cheek.

"But, I was lying, baby." He said before he grabbed your arm and threw you onto the floor.

"Soldier, stop! I didn't do anything wrong!" You screamed out feeling tears run down your face.

"Aww, baby. This isn't punishment, daddy just needs to get out his anger." He said grabbing a belt off the counter.

"Come on, love. I know you can be good." He continued, stalking towards you.

"Bucky!" You screamed as he laughed.

"I love when you beg for him, why don't you ever beg for me?" He said as you cried and backed away until you hit the wall.

"Soldier, please. I'm afraid." You whispered as he closed his eyes and smiled.

"That's it, baby. Beg daddy to stop." He said before he knelt down and faced you.

"Turn around." He demanded as you slowly turned over and sat on your knees.
He ran his hand down your back before ripping off the thin material, revealing your bare back.
You felt him kiss down your back, making you shiver.

"Maybe we could make a deal, Dove. Either, I get my anger out with this belt, or you give me some much-needed pleasure." He said as you closed your eyes.

"I don't want... I don't want to have sex with you." You whispered as he sighed in disappointment.

"I thought that would be your answer. That's alright, love. I'll just make sure this hurts even more now." He said as you cried quietly and heard him stand up behind you.
You closed your eyes and tried your best to think about something else while the soldier took his anger out on you.

After what felt like an eternity, you heard silence and didn't feel another hit. You were exhausted and sore, you looked behind to see him on his knees crying.
You knew it was Bucky.
You cautiously crawled towards him and smiled sadly.

"It's okay, Buck. I'm okay." You whispered as he looked at you. He reached up and held your cheek in his hand.

"I'm so sorry, doll." He whispered through his tears.

"It's okay, I did it all for you." You replied making him look down away from you.

"That's the part that hurts the most."

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