Avengers Christmas

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(Merry Christmas everyone! And to those who don't celebrate it i hope you had a wonderful year!)

This was your first Christmas since you'd woken up.
You were similar to Steve. Well, he didn't have powers like you but your pasts were similar. In 1930 in Germany you were 20 years old, you had a wonderful family and a wonderful life. But one day Hydra found you, they found out you had power. They had killed your family and tried to take you.
But before they took you away your powers lost control and you wiped everyone out.
After that you had laid in the snow unconscious, then a spy agency had found you and took you in. Kept you alive and unconscious until they could stabilise your power. It wasn't until 2020 that they woke you up, you now lived with the Avengers and they had been training you.
Today was Christmas Eve, it was your first Christmas without your family, without your home.
It was 10pm at night, everyone had watched a Christmas movie then gone to bed.
You decided to head up to the roof to get some fresh air and maybe see the stars.
You snuck up the top and breathed in the cold New York air.
Clint and Nat had helped you buy small gifts for the team, you were clueless about gifts because you didn't know this modern world and you didn't know the team very well.
You sighed and sat on the edge of the roof looking out into the bright city. It was a lot different from your quiet home town.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice say as you looked behind you to see Bucky coming towards you.

"H-Hey Bucky." You muttered before turning back around to look at the city.

"Everything okay?" He asked as you looked away from him standing beside you.

"It's your first Christmas since the 30s isn't it? First Christmas without your family." Bucky said sadly as you nodded and felt tears in your eyes.

"I remember my first Christmas here, I was still easily triggered and barely talked. The whole team got together and created a small celebration. Made sure there was no loud music, made sure the lights were dimmed and they all got me gifts like teddies and blankets. It was the first time I truly felt like I was home. I know it's going to be hard Y/N, you feel alone and scared. But I promise you're not alone, this team will always be your family." Bucky said as you looked beside you at him and smiled a little.

"Thank you Bucky. I-I know it'll take some getting used to, it's just hard remembering those times. We had a tradition, every Christmas we would all wake up at 12am drink a glass of eggnog, sing a song, watch the snow fall and then go back to sleep before 'Der Weihnachtsmann' would come. He's like Santa for us." You said remembering the fond memories as Bucky smiled softly.

"It sounds very peaceful doll. Maybe we can all make our own traditions with you here." Bucky said as you nodded.

"Come on, you should get some sleep. Before Der Winchester comes." He said making you laugh.

"That's not his name." You replied making him chuckle too.

"You get the idea." He said before you made your way back down to your room with Bucky.

"Wake me up if you need anything okay?" He said before you nodded and went back to your bed.

You were fast asleep in your bed when you heard your door open and people sneak in. You were about to leap into action when the lights turned on and you saw the whole team in your room.

"W-What are you doing?" You asked as they all smiled.

"It's 12am! Time to drink eggnog." Nat said as you looked at them in shock, trying to hold back your tears.

"It's officially Christmas, come on." Tony said as you quickly got up and ran to them smiling.
You all made your way downstairs where you saw candles along the table and a glass of eggnog set out for everyone. You looked up to see a sign hung above the table that said 'Merry Christmas' in German, you smiled fondly at it.

"Come on, everyone grab a glass and we can watch the snow fall." Steve said as everyone scattered to get their glass of eggnog, you grabbed yours and followed them to the big glass window where you could see the snow falling.
Some sat on the couch and some sat on the floor. You sat beside Bucky and watched the snow fall with a fond smile on your face.

"Now, we all suck at German. So we thought we would sing an English Christmas song." Tony said as Bucky handed you a piece of paper with lyrics on it. You smiled and chuckled as music began to play.

"Just follow my lead." Bucky said winking to you as you nodded.
The music played and you did your best to keep up with everyone, you mainly just messed up and laughed at yourself. But it was still nice.
Once you finished you smiled and looked around at everyone before looking at Bucky.

"Thank you." You whispered with tears in your eyes as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I know you miss your family, but I promise you'll always be welcome in our family." He whispered as you hugged him back tightly as you cried softly.
After you had all finished your eggnog everyone headed their seperate ways back to their rooms.

"See you in the morning!" Everyone said before you went up to your room with a smile still on your face. Bucky came up with you and you smiled up at him.

"Thank you Bucky." You whispered again as you hugged him once more.

"I'll see you in the morning doll, get some rest." He said smiling before heading into his own room.
You fell asleep easily and warm.

You woke up the next morning and made your way downstairs to see the team in their Christmas sweaters and all kinds of breakfast treats laid out on the table.

"Merry Christmas Y/N!" Nat yelled as you chuckled and smiled.
You all sat down for breakfast and laughed together, you truly felt like you were home.
After breakfast you all sat down to give each other gifts, it took a while because there were so many people in the team.
You had gotten a few small presents, like homemade sweaters and blankets, Steve had even given you a Captain America teddy, which you loved.
You got handed another present, it was a small box from Bucky. You carefully unwrapped it and opened the blue velvet box to see a small silver love heart that said 'daughter' in German. It was exactly like the one your mother had given you when you were born. You looked up to see Bucky smiling at you.

"H-How did you know?" You whispered in disbelief as Bucky came over and sat beside you in front of the tree.

"Well, I talked to Fury. And along with your files was an old picture from when they rescued you. You were wearing a necklace like this, but Fury said they had lost it a long time ago. I knew it would've meant something to you, so I got one exactly like it made for you." He said as you felt tears run down your face. He really did all that for you?
You jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly as he chuckled and hugged you back.

"I'm glad you like it doll." He whispered holding you tight.

"Welcome home Y/N."

(I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and thank you all for being my amazing supporters this year. I love y'all so much)

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