Steve / Family Réunion

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(he/him reader)
You sat on the roof of the avengers tower, smoking a cigarette.
You knew if Steve found you, you'd be dead. But, you couldn't help it. You were stressed out of your mind.
Suddenly the sun was blocked out and you looked up to see Steve above you.

"Fuck." You muttered as he reached down and grabbed the cigarette out of your hand and extinguished it.

"Y/N." He warned as you groaned.

"I know, I know. It's terrible for me and I'll die young." You muttered as Steve sat beside you.

"Is it because Thor and Loki are coming today?" Steve asked as you rested your head on the wall behind you and sighed.

"You know how hard this shit is for me." You muttered, Steve decided to not scold you for swearing.

"I know reliving your life on Asgard isn't ideal, but I've seen you get through it. And I also know I can get you through it if you feel like you can't." Steve said as you chuckled.

"Well, I liked the way you got me through it last time." You said as he chuckled and shook his head.

"No shame, huh?" He said, making you chuckle.

"Come on, Steve. You know your dick gets me..." You were about to finished before Steve stood up.

"Okay, I'm out." Steve said as you quickly got up and grabbed him.

"Alright! I'm sorry, I'll behave." You said making him smile and pull you towards him.
He kissed your cheek as you chuckled.

"Come on, I'm about to see my cousins. At least kiss me on the lips to get me through this." You said as he rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss you.

"My room after everything, okay?" Steve said as you smiled and nodded.

"Thanks, Cap."


You sat at the kitchen waiting for your annoying ass cousins to arrive.
You were dreading it.
The elevator made a noise as you groaned and stood up.
The elevator opened and you looked up to see them looking like they always did.

"Cousin!" Thor shouted as you ran behind Steve.

"No, you're not breaking my ribs!" You shouted as Thor chuckled.
He grabbed your and wrapped his arms around you as you groaned.
Thor let go of you before you looked at Loki.

"Cousin." He grumbled as you rolled your eyes.

"Good to see you too." You muttered looking away from him.

"Well, we have a lot to talk about. Hopefully Y/N won't be joining us. We don't need a child talking about important information." Loki said as you clenched your fists, you felt Steve step beside you.

"Loki, enough. Put everything aside, this is just business." Steve said as Loki walked away.
You groaned and got ready for the meeting.


Three hours later you felt like you wanted to rip your own heart out.
You watched Thor talk on and on before you felt Steve's hand go onto your thigh, you turned to look at him and smiled softly.

"Hang in there." He whispered as you reached and held onto his hand under the table.

After another half hour you were finally finished.
You groaned and exited the meeting room.

"Go up to my room, I'll be there in a moment." Steve said as you nodded. You were about to leave before Loki snarled something to you.

"Disgrace, just go wherever your master tells you, don't you?" He said as you narrowed your eyes at him, you went to go punch him but he disappeared and laughed from behind you.

"Still falling for that?" He asked as you closed your eyes and tried to calm down.

"Says the one that betrayed Asgard and killed our people. Fucking frost giant!" You shouted spitting at him, Loki was about to attack you before Thor grabbed him and Steve grabbed you.

"Fuck you!" You screamed as Loki laughed.

"You're fucking pathetic, no wonder you were expelled from Asgard. You're own father couldn't even love you." He growled as you tried to escape Steve's grip.

"Your father is a fucking frost giant that didn't even want a fucking runt like you! Not to mention Odin who regretted saving you!" You shouted back before Loki teleported out of Thor's grip and summoned his knife, swiping at you and cutting your cheek.
Steve pulled you behind him and disarmed Loki before throwing him back at Thor.

"Enough! Y/N, go and wait upstairs. Thor take Loki back to Asgard, our meeting is over." Steve demanded as you groaned and walked away from them, heading upstairs to Steve's room.
A year ago you would've screamed and trashed the room, but you'd come a long way from that.
Kind of.

"That little fucking snake!" You shouted throwing a pillow across the room.
You collapsed onto Steve's bed and sighed, waiting for him.
Eventually you heard the door close and looked up to see Steve entering.
You sat up and looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't...I shouldn't let it get to me anymore." You whispered with guilt in your voice as Steve sat beside you.

"Y/N, I'm not angry at you. You handled yourself well against him, I didn't think he would still stoop that low." He whispered as you ran your hand through your hair and sighed.

"I hate him so much." You whispered, shaking your head.

"Lay down." Steve said as you crawled up to the bed and laid down, Steve laid beside you and you instantly cuddled into his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

"I'll help you forget about today, okay?" He whispered as yiu nodded and did your best to focus on Steve.

"It's just us." Steve whispered making you smile softly.

"It's just us."

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