Steve/Bucky - Shattered

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(I wrote this weeks ago and apparently didn't post or I did and I'm blind)

Your arms ached from sleeping in a straight jacket.
But your mouth was aching even more from having a metal mouth guard around your jaw and mouth.
They insisted it after you tried to bite too many people.
You grumbled and tried to move as you sighed and slumped over.
Suddenly the door opened and you looked up to see your usual handler, Dr. Ray.

"Now, if you're good you can have your jacket off. But the mouth guard has too stay on." Ray said as you grumbled a little and glared at him.

"No complaints, Y/N." Ray warned as you went quiet.

"You need to be good today, they want to do more testing." He said as you turned away from him.

"I know, I know it hurts but you need to be good for them." He whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
You nodded a little as he smiled sadly.

"Good girl, come on." He said helping you to stand up.
You let him lead you out as you stuck close to him through the halls.
You knew it was going to be a rough day today, but hopefully Dr. Ray would stay with you.
Eventually you made it to the lab, you froze and stood outside of the door.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'll stay with you through all of it, okay?" He said holding his hand out as you nodded and cautiously took it.
He led you into the lab and got you to lay on the familiar metal table before restraining your feet and hands.
There were other doctors around, but you only want to focus on Ray.
Eventually Pierce entered the room and you felt yourself pale.
If he was here it meant the tests were going to be new and even more brutal.
You started to thrash against the restrains before Ray held your shoulders down.

"Love, please don't make this worse." He whispered as you stopped and looked up at him.

"Good girl." He praised, you could see even he was worried.

"There's a few things I want to try today. One of our scientists came up with a lovely idea. We've been testing on you for years now but we haven't really gotten anywhere, have we dear?" Pierce asked as he ran his hand through your hair, only making you more afraid.

"We need some samples from you so we can see if making a much more powerful clone of you." Pierce said as your eyes widened and you shook your head.

"Surely that's not the best idea, sir." Ray said as Pierce looked at him.

"And why is that?" He asked as Ray looked at him in fear.
Ray looked down at you and saw tears in your eyes.

"Sometimes I forget how much you care about the little experiment." Pierce said, gesturing to the guards behind him who grabbed Ray and dragged him out.
You screamed and thrashed against the restraints before a doctor injected a sedative into your arm.
You sobbed your eyes out before slowly falling unconscious.


"Steve, you better come look at this." Bucky muttered as he looked down at your broken body.
Steve entered the old lab room and gasped.

"Oh god." He muttered, standing next to his friend.

"Surely the machine is broken, she can't possibly still have a pulse." Bucky whispered as he reached down and pressed his fingers to your wrist.

"She's still alive." He whispered in disbelief.
Steve examined further and saw an IV looking needle sticking into your arms.

"Looks like they kept her in some sort of cryo state." Steve whispered, before thinking for a second.
He gently took the needle out.

"Steve what the hell? She could die." Bucky muttered as Steve looked down at you.

"If she wakes up, we help her and if she dies she gets to be at peace Buck. We have no idea how long she's been here for." Steve muttered, gently running his finger over your cheek and the guard around your mouth.
You mumbled a little and Steve could see the slightest movements in your eyes.

"Easy, can you hear us?" Steve whispered as your eyes opened a little.
They didn't know how you'd react.
Your left arm was gone, your had chunks of skin taken out of everywhere, even your face.

"It'll take a while for her brain to function again, let's get her out of here and back to Bruce." Bucky said as Steve nodded and picked you up gently.

"Come on, let's get you outta here, doll."

Steve and Bucky had made it back to the tower and gotten you onto a bed, with Bruce taking care of you.

"I don't know how she's alive, but in saying that Bucky is alive too. We never know what Hydra does." Bruce muttered as he examined you.

"Will she make it?" Steve asked as Bruce smiled softly.

"I'm not sure yet, but she's pretty stable, considering." Bruce replied, Steve nodded and looked down at you.

"Let's see what we're dealing with here." He muttered as he released the mouth guard from around your mouth.
The skin beneath had turned prune like from all the moisture that had been stuck underneath.
Bruce gently lifted your upper lip up to see you had sharp teeth, similar to a dogs...or vampire.

"Well, I think I know why they muzzled her." Bruce muttered as Steve and Bucky looked down at you.

"I wonder what she is." Bucky whispered before you groaned, alerting all of the men.
Your eyes slowly opened as you looked around tiredly.

"Please, no more." You whispered as Steve looked at you sadly.

"It's alright, we aren't going to hurt you." He whispered, running his finger over your cheek again as you looked up at him.

"Where am I?" You muttered in a daze.

"You're somewhere safe, we got you away from Hydra." Steve said as you looked around more.

"They killed him." You mumbled, they all looked at you sadly.

"Who did they kill?" Bucky asked as you looked up at him.

"Dr. Ray. He wanted to help me so they shot him in the head. Then they made a clone of me, they took as much as they could." You cried out as Bucky looked down at you.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now. We're going to help you."

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