Avengers/Steve - Trapped

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(Ohhhh what's that Nova? More nightmares? Yayyyy. Trigger warning, abuse, Steve's a cunt in this)

You opened your heavy eyes and looked around to see yourself in your room, well Steve's room.
He was your partner, kind of. He was also the leader of the Avengers, the most powerful people in the country. And the most terrifying.
The Avengers weren't exactly nice, driven by power. The team wasn't so bad, you thought that they were good people just messed up in the wrong business. That business being Steve, he was anything but kind.
The door opened and you looked up to see Steve entering, he must've just come back from a run.

"Morning doll. Did you sleep well?" He asked as you looked up at him, he must be in a good mood.

"I-I did thank you. Did you enjoy your run?" You asked in a small voice as he smiled and headed over to you.

"I did doll." He replied kissing your forehead softly.

"Get dressed and go have some breakfast, I'm just going to take a shower than I'll meet you down there." He said as you nodded and smiled, he headed for the shower as you got out of bed and began getting dressed.
You wore an oversized hoodie and some leggings and headed down to the main room.
When you made it down you saw the team sitting around having breakfast as you smiled a little.

"Hey everyone." You muttered heading down the stairs as they all looked up.
You weren't apart of the team, you were just apart of Steve. But the team still treated you like you were family.

"Hey Y/N, sleep well?" Tony asked as you nodded and headed to the pantry to get some cereal.
You sat at the table next to Clint and Tony. You were quiet and usually didn't talk, the team didn't mind that.

"I'm heading out to go shopping later, do you need anything?" Clint asked as you looked beside you at him.

"U-Um, I don't think so." You muttered as he smiled and nodded.

"Just message me if you think of anything while I'm gone." He said as you nodded back to him then returned to eating your cereal.
When you had finished Steve came down and you quickly jumped up and began making his coffee for him. He came over to you and smiled putting his hand around your waist.

"You were muttering in your sleep again doll. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked rubbing your hip softly as you nodded a little.

"Just the usual." You muttered handing him the cup of coffee as he nodded.

"Thanks darling, come sit down on the couch with me." He said as you nodded and followed him over to the couch where he sat down with his coffee and switched on the tv. You cuddled into his side as he wrapped an arm around you.
Steve never let you leave the tower, I suppose it made sense. He was a powerful man and everyone knew you were his, so that made you a target. But you missed the outside world, you missed shopping, picnics or even just going for a walk.

"What's on your mind?" Steve asked still looking at the tv. How did he always know when something was bothering you?

"J-Just thinking about outside. I just miss the little things like going shopping or going for walks." You whispered closing your eyes.

"I know doll, but it's too dangerous you know that. I can buy you anything you want online." He said as you nodded and opened your eyes to watch the tv.

"S-Sorry, I just get a bit cooped up in here." You replied as Steve softly played with your hair.

"I know, maybe we could have a picnic up on the roof together." He said making you smile a little.

"I would really like that." You replied as he returned your smile.

"Then that's what we'll do." He said as you heard a noise and looked up to see Bucky coming downstairs. He always wore a muzzle around his mouth and never spoke, he only ever took it off when he would eat alone in his room.

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